R 2358 178 RESOLU'rIOH HO. 2358 A BBSOLO'1'IOH or '1'HB CI'l'Y COUNCIL 01' THB crn 01' ARROYO GRAltDE ADOPTINC 'rHE J\MWfDJ1:D RULES AND PROCEDUREs 100R THE IKPLEMIUf'l'A'l'101( OP 'tHE CALl1'ORlUA BHV:r:ROHMEN'l'AL QUA1.1'J.'Y AC'r POl( '!.'HE CI'l'Y 011' AMaYO ORM" WHEREAS , the prov:i.aiona of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, Public Re.our~.s Co~e Sections 21000-21177, as amended, require the evaluation of the environmental impact of all discretionary projects proposed to be carried" out by a public aqency. exoept wbere . p~o~eot i. exempt from the preparat~on of an environmental imp.~t report pursuant to publio R..ouro.~ Co~. - Sect:l.on21166; and WHEREAS , state Guidelines for the implementation of the California Env:l. ronmental Quality Act. as amendeel. have been pr..or:i.1:IeeL 1Iy tbe Secretary for Re.ouroe. pursuant to authori ty qranted in P~lic Re.ource. Code Section 21083, and laid Ouid.lin~s are to be followed by all ageno:l... in the .tate, inoludino cit~.~; and. WBBREAS , the Planning colIII'IIi..:l.on ha. reviewed the amended Rule. and procedure. for the Implementat::l.on of the Californla Environmental Quality Act f~r the City of Arroyo Crande and hZ\s determined that .aLd a~l.. and Proo.d~re. have been prepared :i.n acooreL.nce w:Lth the prov:i.a:Lon. of the CdifornLa Itnvironment..! Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the O~idelines as prescribed >>~ tho Seoretary tor Re.o~rc.., an~ h.. recommended City Council adOption 0' aam., and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the amended Rules and Procedure. tor the City of Arroyo Orande and haa determined that .aid Rille. and Procedure. have ~..n prepared 1n accordance with the provisions of the California ~nvironrnental Quality Act of 1970, a5 ...mended. and the Cu.ideline. as prescribed l:Iy the Secretary for a.aource.. HOW, "1'IIEREPORE, BE 1'1' RESOLVED by the C:l.ty Council of the City of Arroyo Oranele that the attached amended Rules and Procedures for the Xmp1ementat:Lon of the Californ:La Env:Lronrnental Quality Act are adopted as the offic:l.al env:Lronmental proce4ures for the CLty of Arroyo Orande. On mot:l.on b,y C:OW1CU Mem):aer Srl'ith , .econded ~y Council Member ~ts , and on tbe following roll call vote to wit: AYES: COUncil Melars Smith, M:xn:s. Dougall. Olsen and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSEN'l' : None ~~uary~o~~oinq Resolut:l.on was adopted this .2t.b.- day of . ~~~~ftb MARK M. HILLIS Ma.yor A'!"rES'1' : APPROVE)) AS '1'0 FORM: 7It'JAMo'iltx a, Q, JW~.J ~ NANCY A.)) IS City Clerk ---