R 2355 RESOLUTI ON NO. 175 2355 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 89-51 WHEREAS, Sec.10-3.06 of the Munlclp~1 Code of the City of Arroyo Gr~nde provides for the pre~erv~tlon ~nd protection of cert~in trees in order to produce ~ more deslr~ble, ple~slng ~nd be~utlfu' community ~nd to m~lnt~ln ~nd enh~nce community historic, cultur~1 ~nd property v~lues, ~s well ~s to promote the public he~lth, s~fety, comfort, ~nd vJelf~re; ~nd WHEREAS, this tree ~t 140 Pine Street, in the City of Arroyo Gr~nde{ ~nd ~s loc~ted ~nd Identified on the m~~ ~tt~ched to this resolu lonl h~s been ex~mined by the P~rks ~nd ecre~tion Director of the City 0 Arroyo Gr~nde ~nd h~sbeen found to be & C~1 ifornia Live O~k; and WHEREAS, this tree, due to its age, species, confiouration, ~nd historical value meets criteria for L~ndm~rk Tree designation ~s determined by the Parks and Recreation Director ~nd PI~nnlng Commission; and WHEREAS, the Pl~nningCommission of the Citb of Arroyo Gr~nde recommends to the Ci ty Counei I th~t th I s tree should e preserved and protected and design~ted ~s ~ L~ndmark Tree. NOW THEREFORE, the City CounciJ of the City of Arroyo Gr~nde hereby deslgn~tes this tree ~s ~ L~ndm~rk Tree and directs th~t i t sh~11 be monumented as L~ndm~rk Tree Number 89-51; ~nd FURTHERMORE, this tree sh~11 be protected, preserved ~nd m~int~lned by the tree owner ~nd subsequent tree owners ~nd such tree sh~11 not be removed or destroyed by ~ny p~rty unless otherwise ~uthorlzed by Sec.IO-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Gr~nde. On mO,t I on of Counc I 1 Member Moots , seconded by Council Member Dougall , and on the following roll c~1I vote, to wi t: AYES: Council Members Moots, Dougall, Olsen, Smith and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution w~s p~ssed and d~y of November, 19139. uwnB~[; \~~~~ Dc:- , ATTEST: I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Cle 'Gr~nde, County of S~n Luis Obispo, St~te of C~lifornla, do hereby certify that the foreoolng Resolution No. 2355 Is ~ true, full ~nd correct COPy of s~id Resor~t~on passed and adopted ~t a regular meeting of said Council on ' the 8t day of November, 1989. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this lot: d~y of f)~ 1989.'!1 ~ ~ a.~ L:lty 1~'1 ---- -----