CC 2016-06-28_09a Acting CM appointment TO: FROM: SUBJEC DATE: RECOM It is reco IMPACT There is assignm appointm BACKG At a spe Thomps act in th English tempora unneces ANALYS Mr. Eng variety o continuit ALTERN The follo - - - - ADVAN Appointi as possi CITY DEBO CT: CONS JUNE MMENDATI ommended T ON FINAN s minimal fis ment pay du ment. GROUND: ecial meetin son on paid he role of as the Acti ary role u ssary. SIS OF ISS glish serves of projects ty for condu NATIVES: owing altern Approve Do not a Modify th Provide d TAGES: ing an Actin ible. COUNCIL ORAH MAL SIDERATIO E 28, 2016 ON: the City Co NCIAL AND scal impact uring his ap ng on June d administr City Mana ng City Ma until some SUES: s as the D and topics ucting City natives are the recomm pprove the he recomme direction to ng City Man MEM L LICOAT, D ON OF APP ouncil appo D PERSON t of this dec ppointment. e 21, 2016 rative leave ger. The C anager. Mr. future C Director of s of curren business d presented mendation; recommen endation an staff. nager allow MORANDUM IRECTOR POINTMEN oint Geoff E NNEL RESO cision. Mr. The final , the City C e, necessita City Counc English ha City Counc Public Wo nt concern uring this te for the City ndation; nd approve ws City busi M OF ADMIN NT OF ACT English as A OURCES: English wi cost will de Council pla ating the d il voted un as confirme cil action orks and ha to the City emporary a y Council’s e; or iness to mo NISTRATIV TING CITY Acting City ill be eligibl epend on th aced City M esignation nanimously ed his willing makes th as familiar y. He is a assignment considerat ove forward VE SERVIC MANAGER Manager. e for tempo he length o Manager Dia of someon to appoint gness to fil e appointm rity with a able to pro . ion: d as seamle ES R orary of the anne ne to t Mr. l this ment wide ovide essly Item 9.a. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CITY MANAGER JUNE 28, 2016 PAGE 2 DISADVANTAGES: There are no disadvantages identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, June 23, 2016. The Agenda and report were posted on the City’s website on Friday, June 24, 2016. No public comments were received. Item 9.a. - Page 2