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It is anticipated that future increases for part-time employees will be required in order to comply with recent legislation, gradually increasing the minimum wage in California to $15 per hour by January 1, 2022. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The proposed salary schedules increase management and part-time salary schedules by 2.5%. In addition to salary increases, the City provides medical, dental and vision plans to employees. In the most recent negotiations with represented labor groups, the parties agreed that the City’s total Cafeteria Plan contribution will be enhanced by an amount equal to one-half of the increase for the lowest cost HMO plan offered by PERS, up to a maximum increase of 5% of the change in premium. Any increase in premiums above this amount will be the full responsibility of the employee. The proposed salary and benefit Resolution provides this same cost sharing formula for management employees. Based on health plan premiums recently released by PERS, the lowest cost HMO plan is expected to increase by approximately 11%; therefore, the City’s contribution would increase by 5%, with the balance of the increase borne by employees. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: 1. Approve staff recommendations; 2. Do not approve staff recommendations; or 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The City will have employee salary and benefits that are compliant with current laws, provide for consistent and fair compensation to its employees, and reflect the job duties and assignments needed throughout the City. DISADVANTAGES: Additional costs will be incurred to implement this recommendation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. Item 9.e. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTIONS ESTABLISHING SALARY AND BENEFITS FOR MANAGEMENT AND PART-TIME EMPLOYEES JUNE 28, 2016 PAGE 3 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, June 23, 2016. The Agenda and report were posted on the City’s website on Friday, June 24, 2016. No public comments were received. Item 9.e. - Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING WAGES AND BENEFITS FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES FOR FY 2016-17 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande (“City”) has established a system of classification for all positions within the City service with descriptive occupational titles used to identify and distinguish positions from one another based on job duties, essential functions, knowledge, skills, abilities and minimum requirements; and WHEREAS, the City Council has established a system of compensation for the classification titles listed herein, based on resolutions and agreements as approved and adopted by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it in the best interest of the City that compensation for management employees be adjusted as hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that: SECTION 1. AFFECTED EMPLOYEES The wages and benefits set forth herein are to be provided to all management employees listed in Exhibit A. SECTION 2. WAGES The salary ranges for all affected job classes shall be as set forth on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. The salary ranges reflect a two and one half percent (2.5%) salary increase for all positions effective July 1, 2016. SECTION 3. DEFERRED COMPENSATION The City shall contribute $600 per year to management employees and $1,200 to department directors to a defined contribution supplemental retirement plan established in accordance with sections 401 (a) and 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and California Government Code sections 53215-53224. SECTION 4. HEALTH PLAN BENEFITS A. Cafeteria Plan 1. The City shall contribute an equal amount towards the cost of medical coverage under the Public Employee's Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA) for both active employees and retirees. The City’s Item 9.e. - Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 contribution toward coverage under PEMHCA shall be the statutory minimum contribution amount established by CalPERS on an annual basis. 2. Employees participating in the City’s full flex cafeteria plan shall receive a flex dollar allowance to purchase group health coverage for medical, dental and vision under the City’s Cafeteria Plan. For the period of July 1, 2016 through November 30, 2016, the monthly flex dollar allowance shall be: For employee only: $638.33 For employee plus one dependent: $1,180.19 For employee + 2 or more dependents: $1,514.66 3. Effective December 2016 for the January 2017 premium, the City’s total Cafeteria Plan contribution for the plan shall be: For employee only: $665.19 For employee plus one dependent: $1,233.91 For employee + 2 or more dependents: $1,584.50 4. Employees who properly waive medical coverage under the Cafeteria Plan because he/she provided the City with written proof of alternative group health coverage that is compliant with the Affordable Care Act, can take flex dollars for the amount provided to employees enrolled for self alone (taxable income), deposit it into their 457 plan, or use it to purchase voluntary products. The flexible benefit dollars taken as cash may not be used to reimburse an employee for any premium expenses an employee may incur for an individual health insurance policy, including a policy purchased through Covered California. 5. The City reserves the right to alter the Cafeteria Plan should there be future Affordable Care Act guidance that affects the plan. B. Medical Insurance 1. The base medical plan shall be defined as the lowest cost Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) program available through CalPERS in San Luis Obispo County. If availability of an HMO to the City is discontinued by the medical plan provider, the base plan shall become the basic PPO plan available to the City by the existing medical plan provider. 2. The City shall maintain health benefits through CalPERS for calendar year 2017. Item 9.e. - Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 C. Vision Insurance The City shall provide a vision care plan for management employees. The City may select an alternate vision care provider during the term of this resolution providing that: 1. Any new plan maintains equivalent benefits to the employees; and 2. At least twenty-one (21) days advanced notice of plan changes are provided to affected employees. D. Dental Insurance Plan The City shall provide a dental plan of the City’s choice for management employees. The City may select an alternate dental insurance plan provider during the term of this resolution providing that: 1. Any new plan maintains equivalent benefits to the employees; and 2. At least twenty-one (21) days advanced notice of plan changes are provided to affected employees. SECTION 5. LIFE INSURANCE PLAN A. The City shall provide group term life insurance benefit plan for management employees, which shall provide for fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) life and AD&D coverage during the term of their employment. B. The City shall make available additional voluntary life insurance coverage, at the employee’s expense, as long as the minimum participation requirements of the insurance provider are met. SECTION 6. SHORT AND LONG-TERM DISABILITY The City shall provide a short and long-term disability plan for management employees during the term of their employment. SECTION 7. RETIREMENT A. PERS Retirement Contributions 1. G.C. Section 21354.4. The CalPERS 2.5% at Age 55 Retirement Plan shall be provided for non-sworn employees hired prior to December 21, 2012. Non-sworn employees under this plan shall pay the full eight percent (8%) of the employee share of CalPERS. 2. G.C. Section 21354. The CalPERS 2.0% at Age 55 Retirement Plan shall be provided for non-sworn employees hired between December 21, 2012 and December 31, 2012, CalPERS “Classic” members hired Item 9.e. - Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 on or after January 1, 2013, and those eligible for reciprocity hired on or after January 1, 2013. Non- sworn employees under this plan shall pay the full seven percent (7%) of the employee share of CalPERS. 3. G.C. Section 7522.20. The CalPERS 2% @ 62 Retirement Plan shall be provided for new non-sworn employees hired on or after January 1, 2013 who are not CalPERS “Classic” employees and are not eligible for reciprocity. Non-sworn employees under this plan shall pay at least 50% of the total normal cost rate (currently 6.25%) of the employee share of CalPERS. 4. G.C. Section 21362.2. The CalPERS Public Safety Officer 3% @ 50 Retirement Plan shall be provided for sworn personnel hired prior to December 9, 2011. Sworn employees under this plan shall pay the full nine percent (9%) of the employee share of CalPERS. 5. G.C. Section 21363.1. The CalPERS Public Safety Officer 3% @ 55 Retirement Plan shall be provided for sworn employees hired between December 9, 2011 and December 31, 2012, CalPERS “Classic” members hired on or after January 1, 2013, and those eligible for reciprocity hired on or after January 1, 2013. Sworn employees under this plan shall pay the full nine percent (9%) of the employee share of CalPERS. 6. G.C. Section 7522.25. The CalPERS Public Safety Officer 2.7% @ 57 Retirement Plan shall be provided for new sworn employees hired on or after January 1, 2013 who are not CalPERS “Classic” employees and are not eligible for reciprocity. Sworn employees under this plan shall pay at least 50% of the total normal cost rate (currently11.5%) of the employee share of CalPERS. 7. G.C. Sections 21024 and 21027. Employees may buy back, at their expense, retirement service credit for prior military service as permitted by PERS. 8. GC Section 20042. For sworn employees hired prior to December 9, 2011 and non-sworn employees hired prior to December 21, 2012, retirement benefits are based on the highest single year compensation. 9. GC Section 20037. For sworn employees hired on or after December 9, 2011 and non-sworn employees hired on or after December 21, 2012, retirement benefits are based on the highest average annual compensation earnable by a member during three consecutive years of employment. 10. GC Section 20965. Employees shall receive credit for unused sick leave. Item 9.e. - Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 5 11. GC Section 21548. The spouse of a deceased member, who was eligible to retire for service at the time of death, may elect to receive the Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit. 12. Effective January 1, 2013, the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) shall apply to all sworn and non-sworn employees, as well as for employees transferring from other CalPERS or reciprocal agencies. B. Retiree Medical 1. Employees who separate and retire within 120 days from City service shall be allowed to purchase medical insurance coverage through the City subject to applicable plan and PEMHCA requirements. 2. GC Section 22892. The City’s contribution shall be an equal amount for both employees and annuitants, which shall be the minimum contribution amount established by CalPERS on an annual basis. That amount shall be $125 per month during calendar year 2016 and $128 during calendar year 2017. The City’s contribution shall be adjusted annually thereafter by the CalPERS Board to reflect any change in the medical care component of the Consumer Price Index, provided that the City is participating in the CalPERS Health Plan. 3. The City shall provide a supplemental contribution to employees that are: 1) employed on a full-time basis as of June 30, 2008 and who have been employed with the City on a full-time basis for five (5) years or more at the time of retirement; or 2) employed on a full-time basis after June 30, 2008 and who have been employed by the City on a full-time basis for ten (10) years or more at the time of retirement. The supplemental contribution shall be equal to the difference between the minimum contribution amount established by CalPERS as set forth above in Section 4. A. 1. and the following amounts: For single annuitant coverage: $175.10 For annuitant + 1 dependent: $302.85 For annuitant + 2 or more dependents: $376.79 SECTION 8. ANNUAL LEAVE Regular, full-time management employees shall accrue Annual Leave with pay to be used as leave for vacation, illnesses, and other personal purposes. Management employees may accrue such paid leave as provided by this provision to be used in the future or may convert annual leave to salary compensation under the conditions contained in these regulations. Item 9.e. - Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 6 A. Accumulation Rates: Management employees shall accrue annual based upon the following schedule: 1. Management employees with less than five (5) years of service shall earn annual leave at the rate of 29 days (232 hours) per year; 2. Management employees with five (5) to ten (10) years of service shall earn annual leave at the rate of 31 days (248 hours) per year; 3. Management employees with ten (10) to fifteen (15) years of service shall earn annual leave at the rate of 33 days (264 hours) per year; and 4. Management employees with over fifteen (15) years of service shall earn annual leave at the rate of 34 days (272 hours) per year. 5. New full-time management employees shall be granted fifty-six (56) hours of Annual Leave upon hiring. However, additional Annual Leave shall not be accumulated until after completion of three (3) months of continuous service. If a new management employee terminates during the first three months of employment, the Annual Leave balance shall reflect the actual amount that would have been accumulated at the established rate per pay period, less any usage. If the employee’s usage of Annual Leave exceeds the adjust accumulation amount, the employee shall refund the excess amount used. The refund to the City shall be equal to excess hours used times the employee’s hourly salary compensation rate. B. Maximum Accrual: The maximum accrual of annual leave shall be 725 hours. If an employee has accrued the maximum number of hours, accrual of annual leave shall be discontinued. Accrual shall resume on the first day of the pay period following a reduction in the accrued balance below the maximum allowed. C. Conversion to Salary: A management employee may convert a maximum of 48 hours of annual leave to salary compensation per year. Such conversions shall be allowed at the first pay period in July and at the first pay period in December of each year. In order to be eligible to convert annual leave to salary compensation, the employee must: a) convert a minimum of sixteen (16) hours to pay; and b) upon making the conversion to pay, the employee must be left with a minimum of 160 hours of annual leave. Item 9.e. - Page 9 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 7 Employees who are promoted or reclassified into a management position and were not subject to the annual leave program for the entire twelve (12) month period shall be allowed to include previous vacation and sick leave use as annual leave for the purpose of this provision. D. Notification and Approval: Annual leave shall be scheduled in advance by the employee whenever possible, subject to the approval of the department director. It is the responsibility of the employee to provide the supervisor or department director with reasonable notice of an absence. The department director shall have the authority to approve or deny the use of annual leave for any period of absence. The scheduling of the use of annual leave shall be by the department director with due regard to the wishes of the employee and particular regard for the needs of the City. Employees who are off for extended periods due to illness or injury may be required to provide a physician’s statement authorizing their return to work. Reasonable absences of less than eight (8) hours shall not be debited against annual leave for exempt employees. Such absences should have the prior approval of the employee’s supervisor and/or City Manager. E. Separation from Employment: Management employees who separate their employment from the City shall have all annual leave accumulations converted to salary compensation at the employee’s current rate. Compensation shall be paid in one lump sum. Annual leave shall not be used to extend an employee’s actual date of separation. When notice is given by an employee that he/she is terminating, the use of annual leave shall be suspended. The only exception to this provision is that with the approval of the employee’s supervisor, the employee may be granted short-term leave (one (1) to three (3) days) to attend to personal business. However, such short-term leaves may be conducted consecutively and with a frequency to create in effect, a long-term leave. F. Service Credit Conversion: 1. Upon retirement an employee may have unused annual leave converted to Service Credit with the Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS). 2. Annual leave shall be converted to sick leave for PERS at the rate of one (1) hour of annual leave equals one (1) hour of sick leave. 3. When unused annual leave is converted to sick leave, for a service credit conversion, an employee may not receive additional cash compensation for the unused leave. Item 9.e. - Page 10 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 8 G. Conversion of Sick leave and Vacation Leave to Annual leave; Employees who are promoted or reclassified into a management position shall convert their sick leave and vacation leave accumulation to annual leave. 1. Sick leave accumulations shall be converted to annual leave at the rate of one (1) hour of sick leave equals .5 hours of annual leave. 2. Vacation leave accumulations shall be converted to annual leave at the rate of one (1) hour of vacation leave equals one (1) hour of annual leave. SECTION 9. HOLIDAYS Management employees shall receive the following paid holidays: New Year’s Eve, December 31 New Year’s Day, January 1 Martin Luther King Day, third Monday of January Lincoln’s Birthday, February 12 (or day of observance) Washington’s Birthday, third Monday of February Memorial Day, the last Monday in May Independence Day, July 4 Labor Day, the first Monday in September Veteran’s Day, November 11 (or day of observance) Thanksgiving Day, fourth Thursday in November (or day of observance) Day following Thanksgiving Christmas Eve, December 24 Christmas Day, December 25 One Floating Day per Fiscal Year (employee choice with Supervisor approval) Every day designated by the President, Governor, or Mayor for public observance as a special nonrecurring single event, such as the death of a national leader or end of war. All holidays in the above schedule that fall on a Saturday shall be observed on the preceding Friday; all holidays in the above schedule that fall on a Sunday shall be observed on the following Monday. SECTION 10. VEHICLE ASSIGNMENT OR ALLOWANCE Automobile allowance shall be provided in the amount of $200 per month for the Director of Legislative and Information Services, Director of Administrative Services, and Direction of Recreation Services and $275 per month for the Director of Community Development. The Police Chief shall be assigned a take home City vehicle. The Director of Public Works shall be assigned a City vehicle for use during work hours. Item 9.e. - Page 11 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 9 SECTION 11. JURY DUTY Management employees shall be granted leave with full pay and no loss in benefits when called for jury duty if the employee remits jury fees received for such jury duty. The employee may retain all travel pay or subsistence pay granted by the court because of the employee’s participation in jury duty. The employee shall be responsible for notifying his/her supervisor as soon as possible upon receiving notice to appear for jury duty, make every reasonable effort to keep his/her supervisor advised as to the anticipated length of service, and return to work immediately following the end of jury duty service. SECTION 12. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE Management employees are entitled to a paid bereavement leave of absence, not to exceed five (5) days, in the event of the death of a member of the employee’s immediate family, to include an employee’s or spouse’s parents, spouse, children, brother, sister, stepchildren, grandparents, grandchildren, aunt, uncle, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, step relatives described above, or any other person residing in the same household, for the purpose of attending the funeral and making other arrangements at the time the loss occurs. As a condition of granting leave for bereavement purposes, the appointing authority may request verification of the loss. Such leave is independent of annual leave. In order to receive this benefit, domestic partners must be registered with the Secretary of State. SECTION 13. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PLAN The City shall provide an employee assistance plan for management employees and their dependents during the term of their employment. SECTION 14. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE The City shall provide annual cash allowances of $150 for ancillary uniforms and equipment items to the positions of Police Chief and Police Commander. The allowance shall be paid in July of each year. The uniform allowance will be paid on the first Friday after the first regular pay date in July. Item 9.e. - Page 12 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 10 On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day of June, 2016. Item 9.e. - Page 13 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 11 JIM HILL, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: GEOFF ENGLISH, ACTING CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: HEATHER WHITHAM, CITY ATTORNEY Item 9.e. - Page 14 Exhibit A Range LOW MID HIGH Position M-10 2,696 2,986 3,275 M-11 2,761 3,059 3,357 M-12 2,830 3,137 3,443 M-13 2,901 3,215 3,528 M-14 2,974 3,295 3,616 Office Assistant I M-15 3,047 3,377 3,706 M-16 3,125 3,461 3,797 M-17 3,202 3,549 3,895 M-18 3,281 3,637 3,993 Office Assistant II M-19 3,363 3,727 4,091 M-20 3,449 3,821 4,193 M-21 3,535 3,917 4,299 M-22 3,623 4,014 4,404 M-23 3,716 4,116 4,516 M-24 3,807 4,217 4,627 Administrative Secretary M-25 3,901 4,323 4,745 M-26 4,000 4,432 4,864 M-27 4,098 4,542 4,986 M-28 4,201 4,655 5,109 M-29 4,306 4,772 5,237 Executive Secretary M-30 4,414 4,891 5,368 Executive Asst./Deputy City Clerk M-31 4,525 5,014 5,503 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Management Salary Ranges 7/1/2016 Item 9.e. - Page 15 Exhibit A Range LOW MID HIGH Position CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Management Salary Ranges 7/1/2016 M-32 4,639 5,139 5,638 M-33 4,754 5,268 5,781 Assistant Planner M-34 4,873 5,400 5,926 M-35 4,995 5,533 6,071 M-36 5,121 5,673 6,224 M-37 5,247 5,814 6,381 Associate Planner M-38 5,378 5,959 6,540 M-39 5,512 6,107 6,701 M-40 5,652 6,262 6,871 M-41 5,791 6,417 7,043 M-42 5,936 6,578 7,219 Accounting Manager Planning Manager M-43 6,085 6,742 7,399 M-44 6,237 6,911 7,584 M-45 6,391 7,083 7,775 M-46 6,553 7,260 7,967 M-47 6,719 7,444 8,168 Utilities Manager M-48 6,884 7,627 8,370 Information Technology Manager M-49 7,057 7,818 8,579 Building Official Capital Projects Engineer M-50 7,233 8,014 8,795 Director of Legislative and Information Services Director of Recreation Services Human Resources Manager M-51 7,415 8,216 9,016 M-52 7,599 8,420 9,241 M-53 7,790 8,631 9,471 Item 9.e. - Page 16 Exhibit A Range LOW MID HIGH Position CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Management Salary Ranges 7/1/2016 M-54 7,984 8,846 9,708 M-55 8,185 9,068 9,951 M-56 8,390 9,296 10,201 M-56-A 8,432 9,342 10,252 Police Commander M-57 8,597 9,526 10,454 M-58 8,814 9,765 10,716 M-59 9,032 10,009 10,985 City Engineer M-60 9,261 10,261 11,261 M-61 9,492 10,516 11,540 M-62 9,726 10,778 11,829 M-63 9,971 11,048 12,124 Director of Administrative Services Director of Community Development Director of Public Works M-64 10,219 11,324 12,428 M-65 10,477 11,607 12,737 M-66 10,736 11,896 13,055 M-66-A 10,789 11,955 13,121 Police Chief M-67 11,005 12,195 13,384 M-68 11,282 12,501 13,719 M-69 11,563 12,813 14,062 M-70 11,852 13,133 14,413 M-71 12,150 13,462 14,773 M-72 12,454 13,799 15,143 M-73 12,765 14,143 15,520 Item 9.e. - Page 17 Exhibit A Range LOW MID HIGH Position CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Management Salary Ranges 7/1/2016 M-74 13,085 14,496 15,907 M-75 13,411 14,859 16,306 Item 9.e. - Page 18 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande (“City”) deems it in the best interest of the City and in order to ensure compliance with State law, that compensation for part-time employees be adjusted as hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that: 1. Salary ranges for part-time employee classifications shall be adjusted as designated in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, to be effective for the pay period beginning July 1, 2016. 2. All other part-time employee salary and benefit terms and conditions remain in full force and effect. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day of June, 2016. Item 9.e. - Page 19 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 JIM HILL, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: GEOFF ENGLISH, ACTING CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: HEATHER WHITHAM, CITY ATTORNEY Item 9.e. - Page 20 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 EXHIBIT A PART-TIME EMPLOYEES SALARIES Effective July 1, 2016 HOURLY RATE POLICE DEPARTMENT Step A Step B Step C Step D Designated Level I Reserve Officer $24.96$26.21$27.52 $28.89 Senior Police Reserve Officer $22.22$23.33$24.49 $25.72 Fleet & Equipment Technician $22.22$23.33$24.49 $25.72 Training Technician $22.22$23.33$24.49 $25.72 Neighborhood Services Technician $19.83$20.82$21.86 $22.95 Police Reserve Officer $19.83$20.82$21.86 $22.95 Records Clerk $18.40$19.32$20.29 $21.30 Police Reserve Officer Trainee $16.66 $17.50 $18.37 $19.29 RECREATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT Volunteer and Program Coordinator $20.96$22.01$23.11 $24.27 Pre School Teacher $13.74$14.42$15.15 $15.90 AM/PM Teacher $13.64$14.32$15.04 $15.79 AM/PM Assistant Teacher $12.40$13.02$13.67 $14.36 AM/PM Assistant II $11.28$11.84$12.43 $13.05 AM/PM Assistant I $10.25$10.76$11.30 $11.87 Senior Facility Attendant $11.28$11.84$12.43 $13.05 Facility Attendant $10.25$10.76$11.30 $11.87 Sports Facility Maintenance $10.25$10.76$11.30 $11.87 MISCELLANEOUS Administrative Intern $12.28$12.90$13.54 $14.22 Administrative Secretary $21.01$22.07$23.17 $24.33 Associate Engineer $30.28$31.80$33.39 $35.06 Assistant Engineer $27.53$28.91$30.35 $31.87 Associate Planner $28.39$29.81$31.30 $32.86 Assistant Planner $26.24 $27.56$28.93 $30.38 Building Permit Technician $22.55 $23.68 $24.86 $26.10 Planning Technician $22.55 $23.68 $24.86 $26.10 Custodian $15.24$16.00$16.80 $17.64 Maintenance Worker $15.24$16.00$16.80 $17.64 Sr. Office Assistant $18.40$19.32$20.29 $21.30 Office Assistant II $17.47$18.34$19.26 $20.22 Office Assistant I $14.95$15.70$16.48 $17.31 Student Intern (seasonal) $10.00 Item 9.e. - Page 21 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 9.e. - Page 22