CC 2015-10-13_09a SCSS Presentation1 October 13, 2015 South County Sanitary Service Rate Review City of Arroyo Grande South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 1 Report Purpose Analyze rate request by SCSS for: City of Arroyo Grande City of Grover Beach Oceano Community Services District City of Pismo Beach Why jointly? Same services Same franchise agreements Same rate review methodologies Financial information closely related for each agency South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 2 Three Year Rate Review Cycle Base Year. The first year of the cycle - Base Year - requires comprehensive, detailed analysis of revenues, expenses and operating data Last “base year” analysis completed in December 2012 This is a “base year” review Interim Years. In second and third years, SCSS is eligible for Interim Year rate adjustments that address three key change factors Consumer price index (CPI) for “controllable” operating costs “Pass-though costs” (primarily tipping fees) Adjustment for franchise fees South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 3 Independently evaluated 3 separate issues Rate increase request for January 1, 2016. Multi-year rate increase for 2017 and 2018. Cost of living threshold that triggers option for franchise agreement termination within nine months after rate increase. South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 4  January 1, 2016 rate increase SCSS has provided the supporting documentation required under the City’s franchise agreement. SCSS provides a comprehensive level of service –curbside trash, recycling and green waste – at very competitive rates compared with similar communities. SCSS has done an excellent job of managing costs and revenues. Rate Recommendation. Approve SCSS request for 3.25% rate increase on January 1, 2016 (slightly less than allowed increase of 3.67%). South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 5  Multi-year rate increase: next 2 years Requested approach (appropriately noticed under Proposition 218): Annual increase (if any) in US CPI-U from June 2016 for January 1, 2017 and June 2017 for January 1, 2018. Increase of 0.79% for 2017 and 0.77% for 2018 for increases in the cost of landfill disposal. Very similar but slightly different from Interim Year rate-setting methodology. South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 6 Approach under franchise agreement 3 adjustment factors under Interim Year rate setting methodology Changes in the CPI-U for “controllable” operating costs Changes in “pass-through costs” (primarily tipping fees) Adjustment to cover increased franchise fees First two factors “weighted” by pro rata share of total costs (excluding franchise fees). Current Base Year analysis for 2016 Controllable costs account for 84% of total costs Tipping fees account for 16% South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 7 Interim Year Sample: 2% CPI-U South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 8 Comparison with proposed approach Interim Year 2.75% Proposed Approach 2.79% 0.04% difference 1-cent rate difference for 32-gallon and 64-gallon customers South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 9 Multi-Year Rate Recommendation Approve proposed approach for 2017 and 2018 Very minor difference in results. More straightforward, streamlined process that’s consistent with the Interim Year rate-setting concepts (as well as the Proposition 218 notice provided to SCSS customers). If adopted, Interim Year rate reviews for 2017 and 2018 will not be required. South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 10  Trigger Option If rate request exceeds cumulative cost of living increase from franchise agreement revision, City has the option of terminating agreement within 9 months Does not directly limit rate increase. But subjecting franchise agreement to possible termination if rate request greater than the cost of living threshold provides a strong incentive for SCSS to do so. South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 11 SCSS Calculation of Trigger In their calculation, SCSS believes that an increase of 3.25% avoids the “trigger option.” But my calculation reduces the “trigger” to 1.5%. Why the difference? South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 12 CPI Threshold Calculation South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 13 Threshold Variance Summary South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 14 Policy Options Agree with SCSS exclusions in calculating rate increases subject to the “trigger.” Conceptually similar to the 1.7% exclusion agreed to 2011. Use “Alternative” calculation but make findings that City will not pursue the “trigger” option if the requested rates are approved. Use the “Alternative” methodology and approve the requested rate increase but retain the right to potentially pursue contract termination over the next nine months. South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 15 Recommendation Option 2: Use “Alternative” calculation but make findings that City will not pursue the “trigger” option if the requested rates are approved. Allows approval of the current requested rates as reasonable. But retains flexibility in future rate reviews by retaining the “Alternative” methodology as the basis for this and future rate increases. South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 16 Rate Application Review Per the adopted methodology in the City’s Franchise Agreement with SCSS South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 17 Two Key Questions Should SCSS be granted a rate increase for January 1, 2016? If so, how much? How much does it cost to provide required service levels? Are these costs reasonable? And if so, what is a reasonable level of return? South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 18 Are costs reasonable? Looked at costs from three separate perspectives Detailed review of costs and changes by key cost components Two-year cost increase of 1.3% in “controllable” costs (0.65% per year). Comparison of cost increases with CPI Two-year CPI increase of 2.2% compared with 1.3% increase in costs Rates in comparable communities South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 19 South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 20 Key Cost Drivers 0.81%: $2.25 per ton increase in the cost of landfill disposal. 1.10%: implementing organics waste diversion program. 1.34%: all other cost increases such as vehicle fuel, ongoing maintenance and labor. South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 21 What’s a reasonable return on these costs? Allowable costs (operations and maintenance) Pass-through costs Tipping fees Franchise fees Related party lease and transportation costs Excluded costs Charitable and political contributions Entertainment Income taxes Non-IRS approved profit-sharing plans Fines and penalties Limits on officer compensation South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 22 Methodology Target: 92% operating profit ratio on “allowable costs” Recovery but no profit on pass-through costs Tipping fees Franchise fees No revenues for excluded costs No retroactivity: prospective only Implementation Detailed “base year” reviews every three years Interim reviews in the two in-between years based on CPI for operating costs; and “pass-through” on any tipping and franchise fees South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 23 Allowed Revenue Increase South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 24 Rate History 2.4% annual increase South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 25 Conclusion Costs are reasonable Proposed rate increase meets “reasonable return” criteria Requested rate increase of 3.25% is slightly less than allowable increase of 3.67% South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 26 Recommendation: 3.25% Rate Increase South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 27 Other Recommendations Approve multi-year rate approach. Make findings that the City will not pursue the trigger option if recommended rates are approved. South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 28 Questions? South County Sanitary Service Rate Review January 15, 2013 City of Pismo Beach 29