R 2349 . 165 PI'l'ClNDI'ICIf 11). ,2349 - A ~ ~ ... CJW ~ ClIP 'DIll amt OP J\RDO GRIIHDE IPfRC7IIHG PARCeL K\P CASE 11). 89-477, 852 WlLLtW LIINB. APi'LIED IQR 1<< JIRIJCB AND DIME CM'l'Qf, AND AOOP'J.'ICW or A 1iIiI3M'IVE DliX:LMM'ICW tiHIi:RIiM, 't;ba dotr ~1 of tM doQt of Ano)'O arU'lde baa oona:i.cl8rod Parcol Hap cu. No. 8!r-477 1n aocordaDca Idth Chapter 3 of the SUI:d1v:i.a:i.on Orcl:i.nanc:. of tba C:i.tJ' of Ano.vo 0nDde: and WJIEREl.S, the C:i.ty Council hu approvecl Variance CUe No. 89-136, isauing a varianc:. to allow. roducect lot Idclth: and ~, tba ~~eot hu !lee fOlDS to have no .:l.gn1fiomt environmental 1nFacta \Wier the prov1s:l.ona of the Cal1fom:l.a Envircnnental Quality Act (~), and a negaUve cleclaraUcn can be IIdopted: and NHIRIIM,' the C:i.Qt ~1 hu ~ found tbat tN.a pro~eot :I.. oonn.tent with the General Plan of the City of Arroyo Crande: and ~, this aite is Mrsioally suitable for the proposed type and deMity of ctevelosmmt becal.llle all yanIa, op.m sPACits, se~, fences and walla, parking areas and other featurea can be iICCQ1IIIOdated; and W81i3DS, the proposec1aYbd:Lviaicn deaign ill not likely to cause aubstantial and canaidera1>le damage to the n&tural envil'OI1nIIII.t, lncludinq fish, wildlife or their habitat because mit:i.gatian moaaurea have been includlid in the conditions of approval; and WIIERl!'AS, said Parcel Hap was refureci to various City Depart:menta and the Staff Mviaory Cann1ttoo for recc:mtlelldaUona. 1Ol, ~, BE I'1' RESOLVED that the city Council of the City of Arroyo Crande hereby approvea Aid Parcel Hap cu. No. 89-477 and adopta a Nec:Jative ~olaration an the pro~eot .\Ib~eot to thIt fol:1.owing oond1t:i.ons: HitigaUan Meuuroa 1. All mitigation l'hIUuroa u outl:1.neci in the Canditiona of lIpproval .hall be iJrplllMnted and nmitored by appropriate city Departments and other reapona:U:lle agenci..... Verifi"",tiOR:l.n writing t.hat. mit:l.gatian moaalU"es have bMn :i.lqjIlCllllilntlld shall be provicilld by the mxlitor1ng de~t. 2. In the event that during gnd.1l!g, c:cmatrw:tion or develosmmt of the project any archaeological roaourcea are uncoverecl., all work shall be hiLlted until the City baa reviewed the roaOl.lrcea for their aignificance. '1'be applical\t may bo required to provide additional archaoolog1oal at\ld1... Hon.i torina Deoartment:, PlBllP1ng Department 'l'illlll Frame: Prior to W\IIDCe of pemli.ta for gndinq or canatructian , and dur1ng qrad:Lnll aDd conatruct1,*,. 3. Pd.or to recordaUCIII. of the fiDalmap, the developer aball enter into an agreement with the citl, in a tom approve by the city Attorney, WMr.y the developer ~.., CD WIalt of himself and h:IA auccesaors in interest, to pay tho d.t)' a fee of '1'wo 'fbDu,t-wv' Six Hundred and 'Pi.fty-six Do1lus ($2,65&) for traff:i.o mLtigaUan. '1'hia foo shall be paid prior to 1u~ of. builc!1ng pemli.t an Parcel B or within Uvo (5) years of EecordaUGQ of the t:l.Dal map, wb:icbever ia sooner. In the event that the CUyahGl.lld. adOpt a 1IIiIthac1 of funding traffic . mLt:l.gat1ona which aball incl\l4e I.,.....t of thee. lota, the toea provicieli for Mre:Ln _11 bo crecl1ted aga:l.nat the principal ~unt of the Ules_t. MMi torina Deoartment: Plannipq Department Time FrBml!!:. Prior to ncordatiCl1 of f:l.nal map - . _.~._._.. .-- ._--~-_..- , - ---~--~..._-~---_._-------_._----------_.-----..- -" --..--._---- ---... ----.. -.,. - 166 Resolution No. 2349 CEM:RAL CXJNDITIONS: 4. The applicant shall ascertain and CCII()ly with all state, county and city requirements, as aA applicable to this project. 5. Development shall ocaur in substantial eanformance with the information sul:ml.tted to the Planning Camd.as1en at the meeting of October 3, 1989 and marked "Exb1b1t A". PLIINNING DEPlIll'D(EM': - . 6. Prior to rec:ord&tian of the ~11lllP aDd prior .to rem:mal of the existing garage, the appu'c:ants 8ba11 CCDStruct a two car garage on Parcel A. - 7. Prior to recmdauan of the parcel ap, the appliamta aban remove the existing garage an Parcel B. 8. All developnmt. aba11 meet the requ:l.rt!III!I1ts of the stagle Family Residential SCM, with the ezcepUan of the IId.a1nun lot width approved tbtougb the s:e1atecl varillDCle. - . .- . PtmLrc HORKS ~ 9. '!be app!:Le8nt shall extend the s.Jerllllin and iDatall a Sf!IJ1II' latenl to each lot, prior to uootdatian of the pucel 1IIIP. 10. '!be "PPlie8nt aball iDatall aepu'IIte water aerviee. to each lot, prior to recordatian of the parcel II'BP. U. '1'he "PPlie8nt sban iDstail curb, gutter and sidewalk to City stJlftd.rda, prior to t'.:scrdaUan of the JIUCel ap. 12. All structures to be reIIIMId (i.e. the gange) &ball be demolished, prior to recordaUen of the paroel !IIIp. 13. A grading end dra1Mge plan aball ))e approved by the Director of PuhliCJ Harks, Prior to iauanCJe of a bu.i1dinq pezmit en Paroel B. !OILDIlfG ~ 14. A derno1:l.tien petml.t. .lIIIIt ))e obtained, pdor to d-..oUtien of the existin9 garage. 15. The proposed garage aba11 .,. 21 feet b:r 21 feet, mininun outside c:1imensicns. . 16. The proposed garage nust be a mininun of 10 feet fran the existing residence in order to be detached, and meet aU required setbacks. On motion of Council Ml!I'Iber IIDots , seemded b:r C'ouftcil Merrber smith , and by the following roll call vot., to wit: AYES: Council Members M:Jots and Smith NOES : Council Member Olsen ABSI!N.I': Council Manber Dougall and Mayor Millis The foregoing Resolution was adopted W. 24thc1ay of October, 1989. '~:i;Jt, Am:.:sr'~ Mz . . 1J~"'.JIr IJ, ~U-!. J DAVIS CI'lT CLERK APPROVED AS '1'0 ~: : anus ._~--- - ---- ------