Minutes 1922-05-17 ~ . Arroya Gr~.nd~ r~a~ 17t~i, 1~2~ . , . Baard of '1'x•ust~es ~r~cL in r~~ular scssian witr± Prr,s~dc~nt . P' . T; . F~nnctt i.n tr~ cY~~,3r . ~ , Un roll c~.11, Trustecs I~cnr.ctt, Nalale, Cox ~.nd Poale r~~ort,c^d X~re~ent,~'1~T'US~rC f.;ri~~---~.~~s~nt. C?na~praved minut~s reacl and ~ppro~ed a.~ r~a~d. g x ~ 5 Cor~:r.~r.tn.i ratic?ns r~az~ and ~l ~,ccc~ on fi.7. C~ . ~ Orc'ir-.ia~~ce Nc} an C1rr~7i~~nr,e ~r~,sii,~n~ t,o th~? ct~,iid~,rd p~ ti pi1. Com~?an,y rermissa.on to er~ct, m~,inta,in ~nd o~eraL~ w~,r~»~ houscs, st~or~,~;c ta,nks, ctC; in t,Y~is City, w~.s p~,s~,cd first rea~-- din~ ' 'LiriRrls~s Nos . 11. ~ ~3~ ~ ~i0 ~ 5"I ~ "l? ~ 111 ~ 11!5 ~ ]..'-"i4 ~ ~,nd 12"'r1 wt~s canccllr.cr 1.~~- A otion cluly ma.cle sccondcd and p~.ssed. _ On raioti_on ~?t was ordcred tl~at tlac City Clr.rl~ Y~ave Pu'hlisl~~d a, not;ic~ irl the ~Icra.ld-I;ccordr.r t~ Lhc t;f fect tk~~,~ f~re ara,cl:r,rs ~ wi].1 not 1,e ta7 cr~t;~d c~r~ tt~c ~;i,rc~ts of' t"c Cit.,,~, ;zvacf tk;c Ci-Ly ~`arsha,l w~,s instrtlCtCc~ ta str~ctl.,y cnforcc tlic or~~cr. ~ ~ Un Riotinn it wa.s ordered that a,11 fire Fl~dran~,s, ancl ~{trr,et interscctaons, ~.nc~ ot~ier ~1~,ces urhere pr~.rking is not ~.1lowad bc paa.nted recZ. 9 , _ ~ C~_t,q Clcrk w~s ~:nstructtd to notify Iair. 5tiv~11 as to thc ~ sewer ar. thc L'crvcnk~, pl accs . ~ No Purtl~~r bi~s~.n~ss appearin~ t}~~ nar.eting w~,s ad~ourn~cl. ' _ ~ ~.f.t~1/~x~ _ - C~t~-- C~cric; At t~~st , ji[~_ . ' ~ ~ ~ _ . - , " j.~ - - 4~ _ ~ , , . ` ' n :t ~ , e ~ , z _ , - - - - _._._s . _ ~ w _