Minutes 1922-11-01 ~ 18 . ~ ~ ~ ~ . Arr~~~ Grs~ndc, n~rcnber 1~~, 1~~~. B•ard ~P TrustCC:s ~~et in re,~ii1 ~r se~sion ~ith I'r~~sident SCnnCt~, ~ri the CYtai2". (~n rc~1.1 ca11 ~r~:~stee~ T3cnnett, r~'hlt and ~'nr~1.e reP~rf,cd pre:s~tnt ~ Trrist~~a Crj.cb az~ci C~x, ab::~nt . Uns~~pr~rT~d ~!i~u~,~~a read ared apprrrred a~ rea~d. ~ Com~nun:~c~a,tic?n~ fran L)~t `-t,a t~ I'u~rd ~f ]i~el th, :~nd tl~ C Citv ~f Les Angelc~, a~d Cit,y ~f Calezi~o, rra~ read anc~ Pl.~ccd on f~~ e. Tressnrer and C1erk~ rcp~rt were reAd ~xhowirn~ si, bals~nae ei' ca~~r ~.n t?~c Tre~.s~arp eF ~910.34. , the re~~rt~ we~re aCCepted ~ anr~ placed on file. The f~11~w~'~R bi7.~ s w~rc re~d ~.nd •rdcre~l p~~:d S;anta~ ~uria Co~~ Ca. btrcet li~hta~, ~tc; -____w__~._ ~~i0.~~ ~idla.nrl Csunties ~i~b].3.c .~er~icc C~rp. ~(~.(~0 B. .~tcwsrt, Cl~rl~s s~lar°v a~md ea~pens~s, ~~.~lS B. J. U~.11~rM C3.~y Att~rr~e~, ~~lar~, 1~.00 YA~ific T~lepl~Gnc uc~. Teleph~tr~ ser~ric~~, 2.~~, B . r'. Stewart, ~tar~k~s~] ~s~lr~r`r, ~~.(t0 II. Crock~'r ~ (:w. Ilcgia~ter af ~~3.rths, ~~.q~.~~ tetal bill s; ~`,"5~» ~8 N• furtt~er ~rusiness a~~pe~.rim~ the n~cct~.n~ r~s~s s~d~silrned. ~ ~ Att~~t v~ er , I . ' I~ , . , . ~ w_.~:~, W~~.~..b; , , . s -,s~_._W . u~,~.... ~ . : . ~