Minutes 1923-01-03 22 ~ ~ ~ ~ Arr~ry~ Cra?~de~ JAmua.r~ 3rd, 1~2~. 13~s~rd •f Trust;ees riet in re,~mtar ec~~inn wit~ Yre~idcx~L 1~,. Eenn~tt in the C~~~.~.r. (Jn rall e~1,J , I'rustccs P~ennctt~ ~fobl~, C~?z s~nd - Ya~l~ reprrt~d, ---~~?resent, 1'ru~tee Grieb, At»r.nt. Ur~a~ppr~rea r~ir~ntes rrad and a~~?Pr~red ~,s r~aci . ~tc~~~rt~ •f t'he Citv C1crk ~,nd Citv Tr~a~~rer, ~ras~ reAd, ~h~rwiri~ ~ b~l a~r?ce ot' aa~h i.z~ thr. ~re~.siyrv af ~1~1i1..n2, the r~pext~ w~?rc aece~ted anc~ pla~ccd ori file. Thr, f~11~w~~,~ hi] 1~ w~re a~1.1 rWed ,~rd orctere~cl raid. K~. 7.'~5, ~i~?n~a ~iaria C~s C~r. ~;c~~~r~F " 17~^, B. J. L7illr~, (;~.tT .~t.t~?rinc;~, 1~.00 " 177, i~. Ja~~$, ~'erk w~.th trr~ck, F.(1U " 1.7'!R, 1~f . G . ~i . Cerp, water and. ] ~~ht, ~.f?.QU " 17P, I3. F. SitC~vstrt, City 1~~~rr~h~,] y..__.~__..___~._ ~~'i.[?(1 " 1~~, H . U . ~tt~~nswn, ~*~re~~in~ ~tlrects, 21 .(lf1 " 1t~:1, A. Cs~r] i~1C ~ricl Ca,. •~f ~cc ~u~pliea~, 2.0:3 " 1n~, C. I~. ~lsahr.r, h~rdwarr, ~uPplie~, 7.10 " 183, Thrrr~~wn ~?d~~~, Itla~ck~mith rv~rk, f~.(X~ " 1.~4, ~is~wki=a ~~?d Dl~l.lcr, C~rc~ f~rr fla~ ~elc,-- 1.~0 " 1t~5, Ca~t~cl, 1cr~c1i~t~ strect,s, l~a.~0 « 1~~, ~t. 1~'. ~t~w~rt, l'it,y Cltrk s~.l.~.ry ~t~;_..__ 7'~.(00 " 1!~'7, Ys~~i.fia `1'~lepb~n~ C~. "fcleph~ne ~er~ic~-- ;3.Od , 'J:'~tal ~ill~s, --_r~__..__~. .2,~.`l.l3~'~ J ~i: Un ~nvt~~n th~ Cit,y ~ittwrne~ was i.nstr~.icted te pr~'~Na~ ~ ~r+ UrdiMance ~st~.hl3shin~ btti.l clinr; l ine f~r reai~denc~s. C~.'~y l:lerk r?~~ i~struate±d te~ ~~r,ure t1x d~r~?icr,~ c~T ~ur~c~pr YarsAns, tw ~~t ~ra.de s~s~k~s a,rd 'l r..~el s~,l.on~ ~4'Y~itr,l cv ~trect . Thc C~it~ C1 er1~ wa?a ~nstr~.aast~d tc~ aecux~ a~r~ie~ •f " tittl.~ '~'alst;c~d t:rrd~nun~e; fr~r~ k'a~s ~t~hlc~. I~e~ turtMer hi~~i~t~~~ a~x?pr.a,ri~~ th~ ~rtect~.n~ wa~ ~~~oerr~r~eR. , c~ ;~~.A,~_-r:~ ~ ~ ~ - Atter~t, ,pre~t. G t,y er . ~ -