Minutes 1923-01-17 , ~irreyM Cr~.~ad~, Ja~ua~r;r 17tM, 1!~~~3. S~s+.rd •P Truste~a ~ntt ~.n r~~;ul:~r sessi~an ~ith Yres3.c~ct~t ' F" P enn~tt ~.t7 th~ Cti~~.r . . ~z U~ rM~1 cs~~l Tri~~te~~, Re~nett, N~rl~, Crz a~nc~ ~'~~le : reP~rt.c~l, !'residcr~t, 7.'rrastee, Crie~, hbse~t . L!~s~ppre~ed xii~~.itrs rca~d and :~i~pr~~cd, w~ re~d. ~e1 eet C~~~ttces ; The ~trc~t C~~mnittee rep~rtcd r~~rt s~t~,rt~d ~n t~e 1~hit~le~ ~trr~t T3rid~e, 13. 1~'. ~i~ew~rt a]s• rep~rtGd ha~i~n,~ scci~red tl~e ~er~rivea ~f A. Ys~.rse?ns, ' a~rc~ ty~d c~t~l,lfs}~~d the ~r~de~ t~~1s+~n umd ~hi.t~lcy ~tr~et. . ~ Ci~T Att~rr~ey su'brnitt;ccl a~d re~d an (;~d~.t~s~ncr, c~ts~~llshi~~ ' ~ ksua.ldi~~ ] i~e ~n thc re~idc~tir~l ~~rcc#,s , ~.f ticr dincus~;is~n . thc Urdina~c~ r~a,~ l~,jd •~er to t~~e r~ext n~c~tin~. A~letien ns~de ~?~d. scd~~dr.d th~.t R~T~~~d 6tc~e~s~~, ~e uJ?p~irted ~'stx~ad l~a~stcr, Tt~e ^,i~tien c~rried. T~ ~hc r~atter ef Er~Tr.l i~n~ a p~rti ~n nf the~~ew~~~n rrad, . . a i. 4xd Gs?rde~a ~trc~t, wa~ le~'t vrith the ~tr eet C~mmj.t:tec. llr. B~d~rr •P tr?e C~tX~ty ~lca~1 th ccnter udclressr..d t1~ CN~t~ai~ ' ; s~ thr. ~?t~r~cct of co~~in~ 3~ta tx~c C~i~nt~ •r~a.nizati~n, ~;r pwr~it~~ a~ p~rti~n •f thc ~.an~irrat ~f tt?~ ~'uac~ T~~ ss~id purnA~e .,t~l ~r p~~~ti~rn ¦~de ancl. dul;~ sca~r~dcd thc• pl ~.n ~f ]~r. Hsd~er rua,:~ ~ccepted, s~~.c~. the Gitp ~?t~ter~e~ r~:~s ~ns~r~iatcd ts preJ~are° a e~~tra.ct witt~ tht C~u~ty I~ea.rd ~?f ~Rap~r~~s~rs ts t?~ t effcct. r Ai~t~~.~rr rnade s?ud ~e~~~rdcd t~~t tMe Cit~ all~w Twew ta~»P~~c d~lla.rs per ?r,~cnt~~ ~'wr the prapa~cd s~r'r~.vc s aF t~r. G~~.~nty tlcalth Ce~ter ~`hy~3c~a~, the `"etie~n c«irricd. ~ (3r+ Af~tie~ dut~ s~s~d+t ar~c~ sec~xded l~xr. A. fI. Ga~~nlp~~r~ ~ra~ wPp~r~r~t~d Cit~ ~ec~rdcr, .~;~rt:ian c~,r•ricd.. Ns furt,t~~r rti~~ncss ~~pea,ri.r~~ the ~ncet~n~ rr~s a.cl~~ur~ed. ~ - . ~ ~ ~ _ .~r . i Attr.at; Pre~. : ~ , . . . . . ~ _ _ _ , . ~ s; . . . . . ~ . . ~ '~'~4. ~ ~ ' ~ . ~ . . ' ' ;,~yM . . . ' . . ' ' . . ~ . . . . ~ . « ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' ' . ~w, ~L~7r...."„,~:e~.,..,._~._ .d.r.,.:~:,.. . ~._x~e'~', 9,e.a'iu'~Ilerb.s.. ~k9F~<_ .,.~A~+b'Jb:n"w,.N ...a.: 8bvwp~~.w,.,';:.+c+~t.~.:.9~;~&tiv+.LwL~iSF>"~i:.~.. 1.....us'~' tra„r.a~m:i~d'L'~t8,gw~.. a~a .