Minutes 1923-02-21 ~lrreya Gr~~de, Fehrt~ar~ k].st ~ 1~?.3, ; % ~3~a~rd ~f 'Prustces ~tt ~_n re~ulur scss~ex~ with 1'rr.si.dent F. T3~~~~tt in ttie cr~air, u~ rel l c~ll , a11 xnenbers ~P the b~ard rerrrted nr~:~~~t . ~:in~.~t~s ot" 1:~st ~~tct~.~~~ rea,d, cerrECtcd u~d a~s c~rre~cted, ~P'Pr~~ed. ` C~x+mt~~ni.cat3a~~ fr~xn the Lea,~;~ae rf ~rru~ia3.pa,l ities, x~~g z~cad arrd Z~~. a~ced o~ fil e. ~ Tk~c Git• Clrrk w~.s instructed te ~ry3.te ts thc Ceuncil ~ •f Yas~ ItoY~l es, ,~~ti ~s~~ I.u~s f~r~.s~«, t• tr~ aiad ~ct sou~e unitcd a.ct~.~~, in rr.~,a.rd t~ thr. C~m~tan~.ca,ti,~~ ~f t~e Lesa~ . • In t,he matt~r af tk~e a~~tr:~ct w3.th the Ceirrt~r •.f Lt~i~c Ubi~pr, ~ertr~3~nim~ t• C;aunty He~.l.th iix~it, contrn at ~ ~ Y~f., ~ rca,d, a~d en A`~t~rn i~irl;~ seca~ded, thc sarn~ wa,s a,d~~ted. _ , 'i'r~e li~~d ~f ~~ccrrc~er A. H. G~r,~o~s, rra.s rcxd a~d ~n mpt~.~r~ wus ~?ccc~t~d.. - 1'M~t~ad ~ri~,~tr.r Ste~c~sc~n, tiarsed itn ~~t~.(~0 Psr lic~xset~ . f~r c~~~~, x~a presentet~ a. l~i]_1 P~r ~;31. ~()0 Rhic~~ wa~s a.l~rr~rc~ •rdererd p:~id. ~a I~• t'urth~r rusi~csa A~p~~.ri~~ th~ an~etia~ wa.s ~.ri,~siar~ned. ~ _ _ . ~ 7 ( . ~ . • ~ ~...~r ~ Attcst, S ~i~~r- , ~'rc~. C cr1~. ~ ;~M , . ~ , _ ~