Minutes 1923-08-01 40 ~ ~ Arrc~yo Crand.e, Cal. Au~ust ist,, 1~23. . ~c;s~rd ot' "D"rust~ra met in re~~.~1~r scssion, v~•i~tri Presidmt ~ k'. k:. I~ettnett in the ch~ir. Un ro11 c~11, Trus~r,cs I)ennett, Gricb, Coz and I'aole _ reporLGal, present ; ~'rtistcc, \c~bl. e, a.hscnt . _ . Un~?p~roved ~inutes rca.d ~.n~i s~pprov~~l a~s rc~Z. ~ Con~n~un3ca.ti.nns rea~l a~nc~ placed on f~ilc . Reports of Treas~urer ~n~ City Clerl~ re~~. ~howing t~.l~nee of ca.sk? in tt~e tr~a~sur,y c~' ~1~3~().%~4, t2?e~ reports r~ere sticc gr te~l a.n1 pla.cc:d un file. ~ ~ic~t,i.ari ~+a~le an~ s+~aonlcd to hs~ve ~t~c Cl ~rlr to wr~~e t o the . btidl~.nl Coiinties 1-~uhl~~ ~erv~i~c Carpora.tion, requc~st3n~, t,he~n . ta pi~t ~~nch ~?atcr ma,ins on Aia,son ~tre~ t ar?~i NCl son ~trC~t to conn~ct w3.tl~~ the inah ~aa,ins a~l.r~r~dy i.n, ?~!otinn a~rr~ icd. The followin.~ bi.7~~,s were sllo~red Ani or~icre~i pA~l . No. 2~?7, C;astccl, ~ork on Eytre~ts, ---._--________yd;]_~~,.UO ~Rt~, T~ . F . S~r.wa.rt , ~a,l;~r,y C~1 ~rr ~,x~d ~,ia.rsh~l , etc ; , 1(?1 . f3~'i " ?..t~~A I~ J. Tr~_].1an Sal~.ry Cit~ .~ttorney X. ~ C10 ~ ~ • ~ s • 2!?p, I'~c~_~'ic 1'r.l.cphunc Co. iclcPhor~~ s~rvf.ts~, _.T_ ~3~r~y "y 25)7., a. Ca~rl i~l Co. l~:l ectfon s~.~prJ ics, _ ~~~i~ ?~2, 1i. C. S. Cor~. f~.rr t~,ya~rants ?~~~ter rc~,~i n~,lU,()Ci ~ ?~~3, fi~.nta~ 1~~a~ria :aa~s C;o. 5treet li~ht~, ctz; "Cr~~,() ?~~A, Gni.~ntv o1' ti~n T:u~.s t4~isno, Hca.lth un3t, ~~i.DU 2ct~, Jiera,ld-~tc3orde~r, ~'rintin~, ___________rt___~ _ 11..3, 2S?F~, lia.~~~ond :;tev~nmon, ~~T'CC`'. work, 1~i.7.-~'i . ~n'7, Farirth ~upcrvisor~i.~.l_ Dis~riat, Usc of l.os~Zer , 7 a.CeG , il. i.~. ~tcvcnson~ St~r,et w~r~, 4ti~;?:~ , Lea ~~'ilka.nson, Strcct worg, _ ~ 7't,t~l 1,i11.~;, -~~__~w.»..__--__~.-_-____~.- U.,..~~ No ftirth~r• rus~.ness ~ppes~rin~;, on hfotion thr. mcet~n~ ~cas a,d~aurncd to ~'ednesc~a~y Ai~~ust, t3th, at [~cl.ack P.1~. ~ ~ u ~ . ~ttcst, ~ ~ , ~ ~ . . ,y~~~~ ew_i.... ..,.:..Ae._~4. ,..w.._~i:.~ ..v..__w.:........~a.:...~..;.~_,6an.~..~e-'~....y.. 1...5~'~~..: -~..;.~~..~s..~...,._....~'. t~. :...a~Sek.~61:.' . l..s. .~6'~n9~ ..~J~f~'. A .G.dea:.~'.a~.: „ - ~.,.WO~Ylki~1~