Minutes 1923-09-13 ~ ~ - .Arroyo Grande, ~tr~,,`13tta, 1~?3. . ~'oard af Triistees met pur~i.~ant tc~ ad~o~irnment,~ with Yres~.dent F. L-' . I~ennett i1i the chair . C1n ro~ 1 call, '1r~xst~FS, Bennett~~, Griel~, Cox and Poale, re}~ort~d 2~re~ent, iri~stee l~'oh1e, ~bsent. Under the head of tier?• ]'tisiness, the o~en~n,~ af the hicis 8or the ¢22,(100.(aC~ !1'_ianici.pal In~provem~nt 13onc1s of ~~u~;ir.:~ V Ist, 1~23. ??as ordere~ ~~y Lhe 1-'r~sid~nt, a.nd the followin~; ~~ds were read, ~'ank of Ita1y's ; ia w~.5 for t)?e l,ands, ~22,0()O.OQ, and a pret~~~Li~m af .,~?`'-~.~C~, ~~11~~ accrtied interest t~ claLe af de7.iver~~-, ~'~eE>.dan' S hi.cl was fnr,~hc honds, ~22,0(;C.()[) and a pre~ii~~~ Uf ~.~~~a.(:~C, plixs accr«e.d interest to clate of c~eliver~-. Fan~ oF ~~rr~,yo ~~ranc~f~ ~,~t_c~ jcas f'ar tl?~ ~onds, ~;'?~',(~Ci0.00 and a pr~m~t~m of ~~i1q."~1~, pl~is the int~rest accrued ~o date af c?el.3.very. ~ '3 The followin~ resol~it~_or was r~ad, ~ aAF.Tt~:~~ ;'I'l~e I?aard o#' ~rtaste~s of tt~e Cit?- of Arro;qo ~rande, ~ cl~cl on .~u~;i~st 2~tt~, 1tf~?~t ad~ertis~ far ~+ro~?osals ox• 'hicis, on ~ .N the ~~~,()[~C).Oc? :,;i.l~icx.~~a1 In~~roz*ement~ 1,',ancls, c~f th~ issi~e of ~L~~;LI~t .1~:t, 1~~?:3, arld ~'~t~ereas, tlic: said ]'c~ard af Trustees did meet on Thtarsc?~,y ~e~temrer 7`3th, at f~ U'C1ack I~.~;. tn o~,en anc. canv'a,ss ~a.iii hid~, ' anc.i after <lll. l~ids hacl l~Per. opEnEd ancl a~.r,va,ss~c~, i..t ~,rpear~ ta t1tG sa~.d T.'oard of '1"r~.~stecs, that tl~e hici nr ~r-c~~rc,sal c~~' tt~e T;anl: of ~rra,yo txrande, f'or the sum of' ~^2,C~f~O.GG, 1',] tis a premium of ,~5]_4. F~O, r~lll:i ar,cr~ie~l interest to a~.te o#' d.el i.ver,v c?f l~onas, ~a~~,s tl~e l,est l~ic;. rPCe~vecl, tti~refare he it I7.1 ~(;I.ti~1~'D, tl~at the Gity 'I'reas~.zrer is hereby aut}~orizea and ~°N~ instructed to deliver tr+c~ said Y,oncis, to trie I'ank of t•rr~ya Crarlc~e,~.nd ace t}ae ar~ount recea.v~d. for samE to the crec7_~ t n~' tr~e "~oncl In~erest,, ~.rc! I;edetn~t~.r,n Ftincl nf 1~'''~3; T, I. r~'. ~teti,~.rt, Clerlc of t}~e Cat,;~~ ctif r~rra~c~ Grande, do raer•eT~~~ certif;~~ that th~ fure~^oj.n~ '~esol.tit-a.on wa,s cl.l~1~~ anci rer~ixl arly adoi~ted at a~Peeial. meet~i.n~ of sa~c~ I~oarcl a#' Triistees laeld on the t;3t.?, daY of ~epteniher, 1r~~3, at F3 (;"Clociy, I'.1i. a ~ti- Gl,e f u] lowin~ vut,e, ~lt~~s, '1'rt~ste.e~s, I~~nn~;tt, ~riel~, Co~ and Yoc~le, ahs~r?t, J'ru~tees, ~~1~7:e, ; Noes, 1'rustees Non~, , L- - ' L , ~J ~ ~ G ~ trro a C;ran~~~. ~ s~ ~ x xxxa~x x xx ~xx'~x~cx , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ . . ~ ~ s.~~Aar~a~aenrc~~~: ~erP~rxx'k3t~~x7~83 xx ~ ~x~x ~:~~:~~.d.:.~.~;w~:r~:x~:~~~es.~~:r~e~s~:~~~r~sur~~,,~a;,acc~~~c~rarnn~rr~.~.a~s~-.a:~;L~~an~~ , . :.~E'::.~:.c~,ua.l ~.zat~.i..axx, :.~vith: k'r_~si:ci_exrt .J~:w_:Iti,~ ~~z~~C~C~x~xtck~~c~~u~.~~ ~ - ~ Th~.~ 1?e~_n~r t~~P d:~te fix~d tc~ a,ward. th~ cc~ntr~ct fc~t° ~tl~e r,c~~~;t,rt~ct'1on c,f tr,~ cc~ncr~*tc ~,r~ci~.e? te~ ~p~.n th~ ~,rrol;o Gr~.ncle~ Cr~:c~k ~t A'ason . : tr~:~~t ~ vt~r; ~.f't,~r r'tcc° ~lc 1 iY c~~~~.ti~,n ~_L •~v~,~ ,R~a~:.i..~~.;~ '.'zat a~l.~L 1~i.ci~ w~crt~ t,t?o t~i~r;li, r~n~l, ~ t,n w'ot.~.on ma~clcr Rntl c~i.~l.y ~~cnnclr.d, 3t wa,~ or~~~rrc' tl~::.~.t ~1..1 ~I~~e ~ ' r+~ r~~r~~t~d, the ',~~~ticin wa5 c~,r•ri~d, ~.nc~ ~a vrc~~r~d~ F:~ ~ro t'i~rtY~rr ru~~nes:~ ~,~~~ra.r~.n~r tF~~ ric~tin, was ~.djc~iirnecl, f ' ~ .~~'[:~I , ~~tt~rst, ~ , Yr~salcient ~ G . v ~.~.e~ , ~ T