Minutes 1924-02-01 5~ ~rroyo Gran~e, C~l.ifarni~ F.abrti~ry l~t, 1~2~. W k I~oard of `~rust~~s met an the c~ll af ~he Pr~esid~an't, wi~k~ . ~'r~s~~dent F. k:. Rennett, in th~ cm~ir. t+n ro11 ca~].1 Tru~tees, ARnn~tt, Cnz and Panl~ r~port~d, pre~ent, Tru~te~+~ Gricb ~.nd Noblm, aba~nt. Th• ~~r~sident st~zted ttYe ~ne~ting ~n~ ca~ll.~d ~t thc ~ugg~e~t3on of 1~ .htiddl~cofF A~torney fraro "4'i~a~lia, Cslif . P.:r. h1~.ddl.ecof'f' b~~ng intraducea Ra.vc hrisf" r~avi~w af the"~rou~hton ~~t" ~vher~b~ ~-'ub13c Uti~.it3~~ Cornor~.tion~ ~r~ r~qu~.red to p~,y twp ~erceent c?f th~ir gro~~ rec~ipt~, in C~~i~g xnd Count3ea, wh~re the,p own fr~,nchi.~e~. a,nd ~fter x d~sctrs~cion oP t~e quc~s~t~~n th~ pps~rd of Tri»tees pA~s~d th~ ~'ollowin~ rasolution ~ ~t~;~ERF,~:~: Th~ County of S~n Lui~s [~'hisno, ~nd thc Cit,y of arra~o Grs~nd~e, a~r~ inter~stsd in th• Action ~ending in th• ~ountv af rtdre~d, 5t~te ~f Califarnis aammtnced and Pros~aauted Por the b~ntfit ot' ~ot~nt3~a a~nd Gitis~ inter~st in the s~moiint du~ Prom the ~fidlr~.nd ~otifit~e~? ~''uh].io 9~~vice~ Cornaration tn s~,id Counties and C1tie~ for the i~s~e ~,nd oGaura~- tic~n o#" certs~in ~treetos ~.nd HigY~wa~~*a~ under th~ ~rouRhtan ~~ct Fr~,nGhis~~ Fra~nchi~~~ sol.d to ~~~.d C~rpara~tio~ a~nd it~ ~,~?signor~ h,y a~a~id Courrti~a ~ And Citi~r~, ~nd 4~'h~re~~ 14.~'.hi~da7.~cOff, ~;a~q. af Viss~l:La, Cxl. h~.~ h~.d chs~r~e of as~id x.ctian for thc~ p].~.intiYPs, ~nd it nowr s~~apes?r~ th~t th~.~ G~.t~ i~ ~nt~itl ~d ~o rece3ve c~rt~in ~ums af D1oneJ Fror+? ~~id Carporstion And in ~~id ~uit, Now Thersfore it is rrsolT~d ~y the I3o~?rd oP Tri~ste~~ af ~~id Ci~v of ~rro~a Grxnde ths~t thiat CitT ~oi.n ~in as~,id ~u~t, and ~~,id ~4' .~ti .htiddl ecoff i~ riereb,y ampla~'~d ta repre~snt thi~ C~.ty in ~~,id ~au~,t, ancl h~ 3~ h~r~bv instruct~d: folloWS: Ta can~e~nt tn ~ a~ttlernent r~ith ~xid CorparAti~n, ~,nd to e~nter ~ d~e~r~t ~.n s~?id ~rui~, on the f'ollowing prin~i~?a.1s: 1. The grt~~~ r~ce~ipts fram opera~ing Properti~~ to c~?l.cul~ted, ~ beginning with the fi~~t cAlendar ~*~AP in which a t~~ wrnuld be pa,fshi~. 2. The tot~,l s~nnu~l grar~~ el~ctr~.cA1 ag~retiv~ incom~ thua s~scertair?~d is tc~ be ~Xlocat~d to the entir~ e~l.ectrical op~r~tiv~ pra~?erti~s~c af th~ Utilitl~s on tre bassia~ of investm~nt ~s d~sclcasrd h,y tt~e h~ok~ af the ` Cumpan,y, ~sxcludin~ from thc cal cul ~ticrns a7.1 intAn~i1~1 e~;a, th~t i~ to ~a~ ; auah gra~s receipt~ ~h~ll be allocs?tad ta st.11 propertie~ u~ed '~v th~ ~om~s~n~ ~.n ths ws~tt~r ~f tha ~ecnerstion a,nd di.~tributian af ~l~ctricit~ ~ . in parapc~rt~.an to the re~p~ctiv~ ~.nve~tment coats, ~"h~.t portion a~' s?aid gros~s re~c~ipt~ ~11oaa.taed ~o th~ ~r~,n~mi~~ian ~ ~,nd d~~tribution 1.ines used in the tr~~smission and di~t~3?iut3an af ~ ~l~ctric~ity s}~a~l], b~ divided up a~~in hetween th~t portion aT' s~~s~ ~ lines on pi~~13c 1I~.~hws~ys, ~nd tha~t part3on thereon pr~.vat~ riRht~ of " w~.~ the m3.1 a.~e an ~xch bea~rs to t~ae tot~,l mileage~ of the ~~id tr~.n~- mi~sion ~nd di~tri~ution 13.nea throughatiit the entire svstem of the ' Compa~n~? . ~ x~ll tra~n~mi.ssion ~nd distribution lin~~ an puhl3c ~~igt~rra~ys ~n ; CoLin~ies af~ ~1,unioip~i~ti~s in which th~ oamps~n~? i~ not nP~r~tiog unde~r frs~nch~~e~~ ~ra~ntecl und~r the term~ af the $roughtan 11,ct ~hs~ll be GOI1~R~ti- + ~r~ri ~.nd d~aemed to he th~ ~sr~me a.s if th~y exi~ted un pr~.vwte ri~hta of ' ~rA~, prov~.ded ~owev~r, 'th~t thc cam~sny ~ha~11 be d~~med t~ b~ operatin6 ~ undor A fr~nahi~~ ~;rs~nted und~r the ~,rov3r~ions af th~ Braughton ~ct in a,11 c~s~,~ ~h~re ~.t 1~ aPe~r sting l~n~$ in Aiunicipa~~itisa? c~rved aut of r t~rr~.tnry ari~~.nsrllf cov'~red by such ~ frs~nchi~e ~ I ~ Twa pcr cent vf th~ gro~~ r~ceipts alloc~ted ta th~a ri~hts of ~ o:i~ p~~1,1~c IIighways ttau~ cor~ered h,y the grou~hton ,~ct frAnch~.~~s to be ' paid ta the ~~ro~e~r~1 (;ounti~~ a~nd :~jun~.cip~litie~~ in the proport3on th~.t th~ l~n,~th c?~' lin~~s on ~ubl~.c hiAhway~ in ~ta~.d ~n~inties ~nd hfun~.cipxl.3- t~.eaa b~;~rs ~a the tat~1 mip~~,~e on a1~ piiblis hi~;hrray~ in wll ~auntiee And 1~tt~n~c~.palities coo~red bY ~uc~~ $rough~on ,~ct rra~nchi~es, ,~11 co~t~ ~.nd Cauncil. f~e~a~ in ~~ic~ l. i~i~~t~.on i.ncurre~i an ~a~h~lf af the ~"].a~intiFfi s shwll bea fix~d ~,y the Caur~ (overr) • ~ 5C] _ ~ ~ ~ ~~n which ~u~h ~?ation ~rs~rr is p~nding a~nd paid out o~' ~M• ~ rrho~ ~ f~nd r~o~i'rtd, h~for• d~.~i~ion smount th.e Countl~~ and Mu~icipa~ i~i~~ . . ~,dapt~d t~y th~ Pollowin~ ~ot~e; Ay~~: T~uat~ss, Senn~t~, Goz s~nd ~oole, . Noes; True~~~~, Non~. ~ Abarent, Tru~?te~a Br~eg ~nd No~1e. ~tsts af Oslifor»n~.~?, ~ Cvunty of ~wn Luis. Ubi~pn, - Cit~ C1~rY oY' th~ t3i.ty of Arro~o Grande, hareb~ a~rtif~ that th~ for~~ain6 a tru~e ~,nd correot capr o~' a reaalu~~.on ~dopted by th~ Basrd of Truata~es of said Citv on the 1s~ dn~ pf Februar~,, 1~24. Nr a c C~~ o Arrn,o t~~a~ - Ae there w~r~~ na further busine~~ ~o aom• b~Tor• ~,h• m~e~ing, and on ~iotion th~ me~tin6 wi~ ad~aurned~ I~ ~ ~ - C t~o C < At~~st~~ , Pr~a. , . ~ 4 I i I~', . I . •