Minutes 1924-04-14 ~ . ,~.rr U~ - , ~ ~ ~ ' a. , Arro~o Gra?nd~, Apr31 14~h~ 192~. ~ Ho~rd oF 'i'rua~te~~ met in ~~~q~sl ~~~sion w3~h Pre~iden~; F. Senn~~t in th~ cha~ir : , qn rQll a~?i1, ~'ru~t~ee~~t, Bennett, Nob1~, Coac and I'oole _ . .repoa~ttd ~?resen~, Tru~te~ Grieb, ah~a~nt . `Thr- Yrt+~id~n~ ~ct~~ed the ob~~c1~ of ~'he~ me~t~n~ wa~ ~cr cr?nv~,s~ _ ~:he ~al~c~icrn rsturn~ Pram th~ "sp~a3a1 d3~incorpera~tinn alect3dn ~ held an April 7th, 1~24, Afte~r c~?nva~s~.np~ ~he ~eturns, th~ fo].lor?~n~ r~salution ws~ ' i i.n~roduaeed . _ _ ~ - ~ ~ It~SULU7`xUI~' DLC;LA~~1G R~SUL'1' OF ~,ECTTCIN . - WT~~HL~5, a~ ~apec~.~l ~l~iction ~va~ he~.d in the of Arra;?o Grsnde, on I~andsT ~ri~ 7~?~, d~.;? o~' ~pr~l 1924, submittin~r to th~ ~ qualifi~d ~eleator~ af. ~si.d Ci~~ ~h~ prvpo~i~iun if di~inadrporatin~ ~ ~~~.d Ci~~. snd, ~ WHLA~A5, ¦ppe~,r+~ thAt notio~ ca~' ~a~d ~l~c~ion wa~ du17 snd 'f 1~~a11~ p~~.ven, ~ri~t vatin~ preci~a~~s r~er~ prapesr.l~ ~~~~;b11s~M.d snd e~.~at~.vn a~'~'~.c~ri~ s~ppo~n~ed ~.nd ~lection :up~].3~~r furn3~hed ~nd ~h~,~ ~ i;s11 r~~sp~cts~ ~a~~d ~l.~c~ion w~s hsld and con~7ua~G~d ~and th~e • vote~A~~Serea~ rec~irred s~nd count~d s~nd trx~ r~turns therepf mtde and ~ d~clxred 3.n ~3me Porm sns msnner rsqu~rsd b~ tt~a ~~n~rRl larr~ af ~ ~h~ ~~atR ao~ern3n~ rl~otinns~ ~.n Citie~ of ~ha ~ixth cla~sr. .~nd , ; w'Ya~r~A~, th~ ~3o~,rd of Tru~t~es af ~zid ~~.t~ m~~ at l~he ~ounc3l ~ C'hsmbers of ~he Eo~rd of Trust~es, on MondaJ th~ 14~h, daa a! ~ April, 1f~24, to c~nv~.ss the r~tur~s af ~s~,d •lec~t~l.bn. ~ ~ ~ Whereupon ~a~id ~v~rd found, ~h~.t. th~t numb~r of rro~~~ cs~~, ~he ~ prapn~itimn rvt~d ~'or, and thc .re~ult o~' ~~.id ~leation t;o bs a~ k here~naf~er s~~,~~ed~ now th~refore, 3.t is h~r~b, ~ Rk:SGLYL+~: folla~vs, ~h~t ~~3d ~p~ci~l di~incorpor~~loM slep~ion ws~ held and cc?nduct~ci in ~he C3t~ of ArraTo Gr~nd~~ on ~ld~da, the - 7th, da~ of ~lpril 1~24, in ~ime form and m~nn~er requir~d b7 L~~. T'hs?t ther~ xs~s one vot~.n~ pr.cinc~ ~~~~bli~hed far ~he purp~~~ of hald~n~ said electi.on, can~3.~t~n~ nf ~ aonaol~da~tan of th~ rs~ular ~1sot~.on preainct~ e~~t~blisl~~d ~fQr ha~.di.~g ~eener~l S~st• snt~' Coun~T •lection• s~c fallaw~: . ' "Con~oi~dat~d votin~ prsai~ac~ , oompri~3n~ ~~a~t~ and Co~ln~~ pr~ainat~cnumber~ ~ne and ~wo; Thw~ t~h• whale numbe~r of vvtes ca~t in ~a3~. Ci~~ waa,334, '1'hat th~ propos3~ion vvt~d for "Shmll Che Ci~a ~a~' A,rrolo, Grsind~ be di~inoorp~r~te~" , The whc~l~ numbar a~' votds c~~t, Rere, ;334 ~ ' k !he number af vot~~ c~a~~ for ~he prc~po~i~iQn wse,~- ~R, The number c?f rotes c~,s~~ ap~~~.nst th~ gropo~i~ion w~.e2:3f1, - ~~~:SULVEL, ~harefare, that th• prQpOeii~~lan va~ed for at ~s~:d ~peaisl disinaorpara~ion,~~ceived 1~~~ than twt~-~t~hird~ of th~ ~nt~r~ ~ote ca~t at eaid •le~tionf ~.nd the Propi~titifan is her~b~ d~elar~~. lnet, ~ and i~ i~ ~o ordsr~d. The .Cita Gl.ark sh~.l~ enter on th~ r~ecord+s af ~he ~3aRrd vf T~upp~~~s a st~tement of ~he r~sul.t of' tt~e ~1tct~on, shoA3nf th~e ~hole ntttr~bler af ?ote~e c~,~~ in ¦a~id Ci~T, ~h~ propo~it~:c~n vo~ed for, th~ num'h~r a!' vQte+s ca~+s~ for ~h~ prvposition, and ~hi number oF vot~~ cam~t ~~sin~t th~ ~ prnpositi.on . T, the Und~r~~. ned h~reb~ c~r~ifT tha~ ~hc forer~oin I; salu~i an ~~as dul~ and ~~~;s~~l~ ~r.troduc~[l ancl ~clopt~d th~ ~narc~ o~ Z`rust~r.~ vf the C~.tT ~f .~rra~o Gr~.ndc, ~t s~a~ci~l me~tin~ held on April. i4th, 1f~2~, b~ thc follow~n~ ~ate, l; c.~t~t ~i.nit~cl , ~;,;~~r~: "irt.~t~~~, ~crr,ctty r'ak,le, CG~ ~.nd ~>aolc, I~oe~: _xrustrr~~, A'or~, 1.l~~ent : 7'rust~e, Gri cl~ . 1A' :'k:~'1':~]~:t:S~'1 N'I;I?I:I:IiF, I Y~xvc h~r~urto set r+~ t~~nd anc~_ at'fiXCCI thc Cff~ci~l ;,~~1 c;1' tY;c ~;~t~ c,f ~.~~r~,yc~ C~°:int1~, L}~~ir. ~~tt;, ci~'; c~f ~,I~r~_7_, r ~n/~ , u ~ . Qi - r~l ~a~)-, r ~ ~ 1 • r. ~ ~ r+ -t , ~ ~ , t i n M" ft~X"tl~rx° 1•t~ ~re, Er.; ..,e_: ' • c. z i~'. ,~,.w~; ~nas ad~o~.~r•nc~~ . ~ ~ ` C-~ t;~ C1 c~rl~ . tltt~st, T , , Yr~si~lent . , ~ , i ~ 1 i