Minutes 1924-04-16 n . ~ ~ ~ 4"~ ' ArroTo Grwnde, ~pril 1~tth, 192~4, . ~ Baard vf Tru~~eeg met in rep~ular ~ession ai~h ~'residen~ ~ F. k,. Benne~t, ~n the cha~.r. , On ro11 asl~., 1"ru:~ee~~, Bennett, Nobl~, Coz and I~oo1e rmpvr~fd pre~ent, ~'rus~~e Gr~ib, abaeent . Ur~sppror?Md minutes read a~nd sppro~ed •s r~ad. Cpmm~unicat~.vn~ rewd ~nd pl~lcid crn file. I~otion msd~ .and cRrriMCt thr~~ r~e~ ~rsnt ta ~h~ k(nr~icultursl' Commi~sion ~h• us~ of the qitT ~s1~, durin~; th~ tim~ of ~he ~QO~ and ?~iouth mpid~rr.+ia, '1'ho Clcrk al~o ~nstruct~ecl ~o liave the te~.~~ahono morad frnm ~he UfFice in~o the ~3~~ Hall, fvr the use aP th~e said , cofim3 ~sion . ? RL+'SGLUTIpN NO . I~~' . A Re~alu~ipn desi~rat~d No . 1-F,~ ~'a~f~ar~#~~~. n~eri d~.vi~ian vf ~h~ hioCor Voh~c1~ nnd ~s~a7.ine ~:x Pund~, rre~ pr~sent~ed and r~ad, and the Re~rolution e~,s p~,r~sed b~ the~ follnwin~ Tote. ~i~~~: Tru~te~~, B~nn~tt, Nob1e, Coac snd Yoole. No~$t Trust~e~, Nan~, Ab~~n~ : Tru~t~e~, ~ri~b . Nn furthrar busin~s~~ app+earin~; tl~~ meeetin~; wa$ ad~our~ed. ~ ~ C~.t„r Cl ~rk , Atte~~, , Yr.er~~dent , ''F~ ,I~ ~ i ~ i • I • E ~ ~ . ~ .