Minutes 1924-05-07 ~r cr~~~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ t~rro;~c~ [Yr~nc.~, Ca~l. 1ir~,w '7t1~, 1~?~. ; ~ioa.rd of' Trus~ce~ me1: ~n r~~ular s~~;sion vrith Yr~s3de:nt , r: , B~nr.ett, in tt~r.. ciiaa.r . (;n rall c~11, iru~tcr.s, i;ennGtt, Norl~, (;ax ~~ool~ and Conracl repc~rtecl rr~ssnt, Ir`anc ~.bs~nt . L1na~pro~~d, minut~s r~zc~ anrl a,p~rov~d a,s ress~d. Cor~mi~nic~t~ans reud And p1~.cecL a~n f'ile~ , l;otion r,±~,dc a1~~ secenclec~ tha~t tY~r. compensutivn f'or cal~ct~.on C;ff'3.cer~ b~ fix~ca. :~t six (r ) doll~rs, ^,;ut.i.uzi c~,rr~ica~ ~R~~iort nf' Gommittec ctir ~trr.ets, '1'r~z: t~e Nolil c, r?ade~ a, r~~?crrt ' cif tY~e :~'Yrt7a ; Lr~r.t d~.f.ficult~, a,nc3 bu~~~rst~cl that t~he Streect lir a~ened. to zt~ #'ull n idtla ~ (~n ~rotion tt~e rra,rrant dr:~wn i.n f's~rnr of tt~e C~un~r ~;upesrw3~c~rs or ~u~us~t ~st, 1~'2:3, bc cAnoc~l~d, ~.'otion cr~rri~c~. Ite~~nrt r,~' tre C~i~h Cl~rk ~,ncl Gitr ~'re~~sur~r r~a,d shr~~rin~ a. ??~l:~nc~ af ca,st~ ~n the ~rdasur~r of ~2~'r~f~.~4, p1t~s th~ ~15.f?~ ro~:~rrant r,~znc~]_1 ~c~, lea~~es x l~~,luncc af ca.sh ir. the Tr~~.s~zr~, of ~"w^.~?"11.4~, C~t7 T;ecnrcl~r G~r:r~ans ~~rese*nt~d ~ rc ort c*f l~is Cf'ti'3ae, s~nw3n~; L c~se ]~o . 4~ a,nd. ca,se . 4~'i, f'ar ~3o1~.t~ons ~f' thc tr~ff ic ls~w~, :~nci turn~d ~n tl~~ '~raasurY thc sum of ~4~.00, tl~~ r~s~?art w:~~ ~.cc~pt~d„ 'i'l~~ f c?11 n~in~ bil l s~r~r~ :~11 awec~ ~r.d ard~rcd pa,i~ . ?~'o. ~~~3, a. li. (:a~mr.;ans! liecorcl~r F~es, f'.UU " ~10, ~r•. 1~. Sw~ll., Yr~rnitir~ on 1'r~xsurers I'ond, ~,(}.(aQ " ~11, a. Ga~rl3sle ~P~ Co. Ll~ction supplic~b, ~x.~7 " 41~, (t. ;~mith, Gr~.vel~.n~r; strd~ts, ~',,28 " 413, Neh sam tic~rs, Gra~v~l for ~tr~~tu, 7~ 2(f " ~4X~, F. 11'. Jonts, Cra~~l~n~: ::tr~~ts, ;3~.~0 " ~41 . M . C~,stccl , [;ra~~cl in~ ~tre~ts, ] ~ , " ~1~, If . ~:tcv~nson, ~~trcet ~rork, 1~; ~~;i0 " ~17, I:elarm, ~~id~~ wnrk, -__....__________~__..rt.~ ~.1.~5 ; " ~1£~, If. ri. ~ea,lt~rs, Gr~velin~~ ~;tr~~ts, F~(~.O() " !~19, '1'cleephu~ne (;a. Td1e~~hone sr,rvic~s, ~~7~ 4~0~ Cot2nt,r, of ~~.n Lu~ts' ( b~.sro, II~AIth Un3t, ~Q,Op " 4~~, A`.C.}'.~. (:c?rP. Firc I~~drants ~nc~ ~`e~t~r•,___~.~_ ~.(~~(r(~ " !122, }3. I~'. :~tcwa,rt, :,~lar•~ a~nd ezp~ras~s, l~~.P(~ " ~''~3, ~"'r~ . ~:hipse~. ~ L~s~ral ~.d~~c~, 2~"a.()() . ; " , 5~nta 1:aria C~xs Cc .~:t?^cet li~h~s, etc 77.40 " ~nri, G. ~tcl~,ms, }?lae:ksr~ith w~ork, :e.________.-_____ 7,(~(1 " 4^E~, =ti. Tt. Ti7.er.~m, 4~.tr~et rrorl:, ____~.________w____._ ,~2~ " !~~7, r~' ~I . ~n~i~h, I"r3ntin~, ~1(? " ~2~?, '~ia.c~ C. Iit~tchum, 3~lr.atl.on ~ff~cnr, 1'?~(lc ~ " ~2~k~ T~an l~ri.z~lt, r~ n ~;~(yp ~ t~ 43()~ I~~tstra, ::ttC~ n n _-.~___w______ ].~.OQ " ~31 ~ ~T~ss3.~* a. Huwkins, " _________w___ 1~,()0 ~ " 43?~ '1's~.~ ~'t~uc1',~ n " _________.._..r_ ~2.00 ~~.i.3, i.~i1r G. Cs~stenl , a " ~;.p(? Total Iiills, ; C;n ~`otion i.t wa.s ordcr•sd th:~t a, ~va,rrs?.nt dra.wn ~~;s~inst th~ Brid~e rund in f'~,~car of' ~iurch s~nd b~ck, (~n~ineers~ ~.n the si~r~ of `~:~('U.QO mvtion wa.s c~,rr3ed, and tY~e rra.rrant orde?rcd dr~.Rn. a ?~'~tiun made~ ~nd seconci~d tlaa~t T; . F. 5te~rra~rt, ?~e a~~?~oint~d ~s ~itr A'~rshal, !~'ot~inn c~.rrir.d and it ~ras so orclcr~d. 7 . C. Yool~ aff'~ared ~5.0(3 for tlrc wa~ter tror~~h, ~nd on ?~ati~~n ' jt w~~s ard~r~d sold to R"r. }~pn1R f'or fiPe dalla,rs ~ ~ i i ~ ation m~,d~ and s~canded ths~t a~ apmmi'tter a~ppa~.nted tn ~s~cur~ ~ ri~;~~ts af' wa,~, f'or rorpascc~ :~cwe~~, thc~ wr~al.~ ]'c?a,rd rra~s n~m~d on th~ cnmmitt~c~ Th~ CitT Cl~rk wa.s ~r:~nt~ed threc d~.~r~ l~~.ge af ~~s~nce. Tk~e ~trect aomm, was ~Lr~~tructed to xas~v~ ~ 1!a~n cut brush on tr~~ Iv'ew~om raa~d . 1~~i furtt~~r busin~ss ~ppearin~ the m~e~in~: wa,s ~d~aurn~d. ~ Cr~2~~` F ~7~' . A~ ~ ~ . . , ~ Arraao c~rand~, M~~ 21st, 1~?~4. Ba~rc~ of Trua~~ee m~t i~t r~~ular $ea~i~nn with Yre~id~nt F. Is. ~ienn~t~ in the~ ahair. Un rerll Qall, ~11 m~mb~rs~ r~part~d,pr~~Rn~ ~ ' Af~er ~e =~n~rr~l d3~cussion vf ~h* S~r~ets ~.nd' ~h• propoeed S~wer ~~s~~m, a,nd an R~ot~ier~ ~he m~~1~iu~ ~rr~,~ xd~~ur~~d. . , • ~ ~ C C~. ~rk, ~,t~est ~ ' , T're~ide~t . ~ - . , _ _ _ . , . . . , ~ x - . , I~ , . , . . . ''r , . _ ~ . _ .w _ : . ~ - • - - E _ _ . I r • M . . ~ f. . . P' . _ . i . . ~f T • - - f ~ , . ; . • I - i i . ~ .