Minutes 1924-06-04 . . , , ~ . , ~ . ~ ; ~rro.~ Granda, Cal. Juns 4th, 1p~~. ; I3oa.r~1 of 'lruste~s m~tt ir~ r~~ul~r s~s~i~~ wr~th Yr~sid~~t F. S. Hen~aett in the ch~.ir , ~ U~ ral l ca:ll , all memb~rg a~f th~ ~iv~rd r~pertcd, pr~~~?nt . ~ Ur~~ppre~ccl minut~s re~d a,nd ~,ppre~~d a~~ rsad, R~pcrts ef C1~?rk ~,xd Tra~.surer re~.d ~hexir~~ a, b~,~ai~e af cs~~k~ the~ ~Tea.surT of $~~CaE~ .4~3, the r~perts rr~re aace!pted ~.nd pl a~c~d ar? ~'11 e . , ' ~Ths follo~ri~~ bil~.s w~re xll~wed ~,nd ~rd~r~d ~?a~~1d, Ne .~34, Y~.cir3c Coas~t t;~~.l Gc~, Lu~ber f~r br3d~~,----- ~~3i~.2A~ " . John ~3ardix, tlaulin~, ~.bp 43~, S~nta h1a.r3a ~.xs C~ . Stree~ 13,~hts, 77.06 ".~~37, Jehn T~Tlor, Bl~cks~mi.th w~+rk, t~.40 " . ~~3~3, , Y~c3.f~.c ~i'elepha~e, Co . 7.'~1 , S~r~ic~, ----~_w_- ~.0:~ ".~3Q, .Cr~urat~ c~f 5a,~ Luis Ub3~po, Hs~:]~h ur~~.t,_-~____ 2g,UU ".~l40, B. k'. ~tewart, SAl~r7 eta; __.._w___..___~.__r___ 111.2Q 4~1, ~I , te . Ste~~u~on, Street work, 3R. ~0 ".~42, C. Y. C~rp. F~r~ HTdr~a~t~, etc;---_--~____ 10.D0 Tetal 8~11~, ~~1 ~q4 ~'rr~ctar a~~d C1t~hor~, t e CoMtrs~c~e?rs v~a 1ta.smxs Str~s~t brid~~ ~r~.a~ ~,11e~r~cl p~~mer~t o~' ]I~ af ce~tra~ct a~~d ~.ecord~.~~ ta estim- ~ mt~ aP tkye E~~~3n~er~, ~~:i w~~ ~llorred in t}~~ ~um ~t' ~7].f).~5~ ~ ~ U~ A~~tir~n du1~ mada~ a~acl a~eco~d~d ~.~d esrri~td, axss ordered ~that the Ci~Y Cl~rk ~mp1o~ Att~r~~~ '~"m. 5r~~.p:~t* t~ drxft '~ap~ lut3.o~s' or ~,~n Urd3.n~.nce t• cxll a, special ~]ddc_tiea ta n~ th~ prep~sit3vn ~+f 13v~d~~~ the~ C3.tT ~x tri• s~um of ~:30,OQ0.00, frr the Furps~e of im~tall.ixr autf~~.l ~ewer ~~~t~m. N~ further busi~~s~: ~,ppesri.~~ tr~ rnect~x~ x~.s ~d~our~sd. ~ ~ I ~iT~ 1 ~ C~t,r G erk r ~ ~1tts~ct, ~~~~'~~r~s. i , ~ iJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 1 d ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 7 1 ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ . , I