Minutes 1925-02-18 ~ y ~ ~ ~ ' . . ~ llrroyo Grs?nd~, Ga~~-fornis, - : ~ February 18th, 1925. ' Bo~rd af Tru~ote~~ ~et in reaulr~r ~as~~ion wi.th ~ ~ Pre~idcnt F. E. Bennett in thc aha~ir . f On rol~l, aa11 a11 ~e~bere of the Baard r~ported, pre~tt~~ . Up~tpprored ~inute~a read and apprarred a~ re~.d. ~ A oo~uniQa,tion was read fra~n Attorn~y 11'~p. 8hip~ey ir~ re~ard to hiffi #'ee for hi~ ~oer~3aes in the ~ewer Eand prep~ 4ration, the ov~munia~?tian was p1 s~ced an Pil e. ~ . Un M~tian it ws~- ardered that ~ f ee oF ~3~O.OU be 411.orred Mr. 5h~.p~ey for h3~s ~er~iae~ in the S~rer Bond propoaition: The Rill af John Bardi~h Por ~atreet work ~nd eoTin~ p~le dri~~ar` w~~ ~?1lowed for l~22.60, - • ~ ~ • • ~ dpenin~ of tht~ bi~s4 #'ar the br~tidins prown Street, be~;a~f~~ ~ . - in order, t2~e YrC~ident ordered the op~+riri~ of the laid~, r . _ . . ~ Thz B3~8 of F-.-- N-. ~obbs, f ar e~~h~T-fi~e ce~t~ per ~prd, . ? ~ being~ ~he i~nly b~d- pr~~aented, ~he ~~wre was 1s~id~ or~r ~b ti'~~ • nezt--szatin6; _ _ _ _ . . , _ • I~e-fur~M~r bu~cines~ sppe~?rin~ ~the ,reetin~ w4s ad~vurne~. ,I . I , _ _ _ - _ - - - - _ . - . , i . , Ci~~* Clezr : ~ ~ Att~st, , Pre~i.de~t ~ - _ ~