Minutes 1925-03-04 . Arroyo Grande, C4~-. Mar~h 4th, 1925. Board of Trusstees set in rQ~,ular aes~~ion with prersident F. B. Bennett i.n the ah~ir. On roll oall, all ~¦embcrs aP the Board reported present. Unappro~ed minute~ read ~nd appro~ed r~s read. Ca~maunics~tion~ read and pl~aed on file. ~ Reports of C1erk asd Trea~urer read showi~~ a c~sh balnn~e in the Treagury of $3718.g9, the reports were accepted and piRCea on file, The Pollowin~ bi11s werc a1lo~red and ordered paid. General. Fund . No.54~4, Jvhn S~?rdin, Tea~ work, ~~2•g0 s" 84b, H. U. Ste~enson, ~treet w~ark, ].7.50 " ~i46, B. F. ~~e~art, Ss~ls~r9 ~nd ezpettse~s, lUt3,30 " ~i~7, Ca . San LU~.s Ob~sPo, Health unit, 100.00 " b48,. R. 0. Sah311ina, ~treet work, 26.00 ~ " C~49, Cha~ . Schenck, Sur~eyin~ Crozn Street,--- 5l5.U0 ' " bb~, D. Saulsburq, Street warlc, 33.0~ " 861, Telephone Co. 'lelephone serrice, 3.00 " b62, santa M~ri~ Ga~ .Co ~ Street Li~hts,-~----- 8U.Ol~ ~ ' " °~g3, M.C.P.S.Corp. Fire Hydrant~, eta. -----~w-~ 10.00 ~ total b~.ll~, ~ Sewer Fund, No. 1, City of A.G. Fo~r as?~h paid ror opt~on on lanld,~300.00 " 2, B~nk of A. G. Salance pay'ent on land, 3717.7b " 3, 1?~ Shipsey, Attorneys fees, 3U0.00 " 4, Goodfellow,Ee11~~Moore wnd Orrick, Bond s~tt 30.00 totstl, ~ , Un Motion 3.t ws~? ardered ~hat the City Cl erk proaure fro~ B~raellos and Nor~an 4 Ford Truak,for use bq~-the ~ity. Qn A~otion it ¦a~ ordered th~t the cvntrs~ct for grad3n~ ; Crown Street be ~.~id or?er to the ne=t ~eetin~. ` The County Superrisors pre~cnted a nev conxrs?ct, for the Caunty ~ealth unit, for the ao~a3n~; ~ear. and on Mot~.an ~adc and ~eaoaded, s~nd carr~ed, it was ordered that the President and Clerk, ~ign the ~aid co~ntr~at, and the r~~id contr~at 'be acaepttd s~e reAd and ~igned. No further bu~iness nppearin~ the ¦eet~.n~ ~as ad~ourxied. ~ ~ ~ C Y C CI` . Att~m~t, , Pre~ident . ~ I , . ~ i ~ ~ ~