Minutes 1925-04-15 j w.. ~ ~ ~ , ~ . ~ Arro~o Grande, C~~.. ~ ' " ~ April ibtla, 19~6. Board of Trustees ~et in regular ~~~ssior~ •ith - President F. E. Bennett in the oha~r. Or? rall aal l, Tru~atee~ • Bennett, ~p~l e, Coz ~nd - Conrad reported prea~en~, Trv~~tee Poole, absent. ~ Unappro~ed ~inutes read ~,nd approved aa re~d. Co~nia~?tione rsad ~nd . plaoed i~ f ile. Nc~ 'buriness ~ppesr3.n~ the ~eeti~g wss ad~ourned. , _ ~ _ . C t~ C erk. . Attest ~ . , Pre~idCtit . ~ IY , _ . _ ~ . . . . ~ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . . . , ~ ~ ~ ~