Minutes 1925-06-03 ~ . .~.m. T~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ,rroyo Grandea, Csliforti3a, ` ~ ~ • - une 3rd ].928. ~ J s Baard of Trua~tee~ a~et in re~ular ~ee~ion with F~reeident F. E. Hen»ett, in the oha3.r . On roll c~~1, Trustees; Sonnett, Noble, Cvar, Po01e and Cv~rad, r~pvrted, pres~en~~, Fane sbsent, Unappro~ed ~inute~ r~~?d and appro~ed a~ read. w Comiuniaations res~d and plaaed on fil~. Report o#' City Clerk and City Tr~aeur~r r~ad e~howin~ w ba?l.anoe o~ o~sh in th~ Tres~ury of ~237'9.02, the reporta ~ere sacepted and pl aoed on f il e. The follo~ins bill~ were allowed and orderied p~,3d. ' No , b8?, Ssnta ~[nria Ga~ ~Co •~treet Li~hta, ~ 78.66 . d88, T. J. Ste~en~orr, ~treet wvrk, 34.13 . 889, B. F. Stewsrt, Sal~r~, ~tc; 1D1.00 B9Q, County a~` ~~n Lui~s pbis~pv, ~e~1th Uhit,-~---~---- 26~~0 " : b91, ~t. U; ~te~ensan, ~treet wvrk, 2f1.~(1 . ".~92, Ysa. Telephone Co. Telephane 5er'riae,-____..___~ 2.96 893, T. G,~dsn~, Blaa~e~:~h work, -----_-w~----_~--~ 2.Tb ~ b94, M.C.P.~.Corp. Fire Hydranta~, etc; 10.E10 896, R. 8wa11,_SSurety on Treos, Bonde,------------ 1Q•~4 " , 888, R . U . ~tchillin~. Street wark, ~4.60 " . ~97, B . F . ~tewr~rt , Pre~iu~ on bonds, ,lu~o , 6.10 699, Borcel].os And Mor~an; Gas and Uil.----------'~---- g,2p • total, b~.lls ~.n G~nersl Fund, _ On Mo~i.on it rr4~ ordered to psy ~,,~,.~e'~ip ~SQ.A~ far ri`ht ot' woy, throush his placa far Sewer, ~nd a warrnnt w4~ ord+~red drsMn on ~he Se~er Fund Por ~b0.00 to oo~er ~a~e. Resolu~i.on l~a. 1~G, ~ Resolut~~n a~kin~ S~~ote ~oard of ~ta~th for ri~ht to cor~~truat S~e~rer Sy~te~. the e~olut~Qn wss~ pa~~~ad , by the fAllew~n~ •ote, Ayee,-Benaet, Noble, po=, Pooley,a,tad Conrad, Noe$, None, Abe~ent, Nane, No t'urth~r bu~ine~~ appe~.~a~, the ~e~tin~ adjour~~d. ~ d ~ City C er . . Atte~t,. , , ~resident. ,