Minutes 1925-09-16 w ~ ~ ~ ~.~.2 . ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ . - - ~ _ ' Arrvya Gr~ndC, C~~pt~taber ~lfith, ~.f12~. ~ ~~J - ; ~ - - ' ~ He~ard of' ~'rue~teea met in re~ula,r se~sian with Fresident, i ~ ~ • ~ , E . B~nnttt , i.n the • c~ha~r . ~ Qn r~ll I~~al l all ¦eub~crs aF th~ Boa~rd re~porttd, present . Unsppro~ed x+inute~ r~na and sppr~reNd as read. 8311 of B. F Ste~r4rt, Pc~r r-ecordin~ ri~ht~-of-way de~w', in the ~ua mf -~8.f?0 wa.~ ~1lowed and ordered paid. . 'r - S. C. Recard~, s~ppoeed befox^e the Bos~rd, az~d repres~nt~,~ ~w . Super~ia~r Y~rter, ssked the Hoard of Trust~e~, if it w~?s ; ~ their dCs~re ta h~T~ tta~ CountT Super~ri~nrs, tn turn b4~c ;the Cft9 $treet$, .ta t~h~ City of Arra?'yo Grstnd~, for ttiC ; purpose uP the Sts?~Ge tai~in` ~~e ~+rer, ~nd o~ Matlen it ~~es ~rdared ta .hs~c ~~e Cl~^~ t~ ~akz ap~p].:Laat~ioa ta the ~~run~y ~ Basrd cr#' Suger?3sors, t~ h~~~ thc Cit~ .lStre?e1~ turncdJbaol~ . ~ ,to the Cit~ of Arra,e Grande, ~ Na furtrier bus3ness appesrin~ th ~eCtin~ ¦ae ad~ourr~~d, to Friday, ~ept~~ber 25th, at ~ Uc1~kti,..Y~~S. for the purpQSe of ~peniris the ~bid~o an the Sewer 1 ine . ~ p ~ y C cr . ; e ~ Attes~,. , Yre~3dent. 4 f f . • . 6 M1 ~ ~