Minutes 1925-09-25 w, ~ _ . . j , ; R Arroya Gran~e, Cal~forni~, ~ S~ptC~ber ~Sth, I9~b.; S Bos~rd of Trustece ~net puraugnt tQ s~djournment with Yre~ident T' .E .B~nnctt, in ~he chair . an roll c~l.l all membcrs of thc Board, rcportcd, prescnt. T~~ ~aeetin~ was apcned under thc he~d of nex bu~ine~~, a.nd thc president ordcred th~ apenin~ of the bids for the ~ewer line. The Ci~,y Clerk opcned and read thc fallowinE b~ds, The Drain~.~e Construct3on ~o. --___W__.~___.. ~17,140.(JO J . F. Shcp~rdson, _r___.._______ 17,442.00 W.J.Tabin, 18,400,00 ~he Draina.ge Co~a~tructivn Conp~ny bein~ the„lawcst bidder, on ~~otiqn duly seaonded a,nd oarried, the ~r~ifirx~~ ~ox~stritot~o~ -~;omga~y .w~?a awa~rded the avntraat tQ cor~struot thc Outfall ~~wer linc. . ha furt~a~r l~usincss uppe~ring the ~ectin~ wz~ adjourned, Attest, , Pr~s~.dcnt. . ' ~ _ Cit,y Clerk. ry ~ a ' w r . ~ ~ i , ~ ~ ; ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ a