Minutes 1925-10-21 ~ ~ ~ 11~ ~ ; ~ a ~ 9 Arroyo Grns~de Ca].ifornia, . ~ ~~~'~Y . Board uf Truatee~? met in regula~r ~essi~n with F Pre~idcnt F. L. Bcnnett, 3.n thc ahs~ir . Un ral.l a~ll, Trustees, Bcnnett, Noble, Coz s~nd Canr~d, rcported, present, W. C. Poo1e, abs.ent, Unsapproved ~i~rutes re~d and r~pproved as rea~d. ~ As therc wa~s nn business to co~e b~fore the ~?aa~rd, th~ meet ing rrs~~s ~d-~ ourned . - , ~ _ f ~ _ - - ty C crk. ~ Attc~st , rresident . , s a ; ~ ! { 9 , ~