Minutes 1925-12-02 ~ . , , W„c,'~ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ , Arroyo Gr~nde, California~, ~ ~ ~ DeGember ~nd, 1925. Board oF Truste~s met 3n re~ular sessinn rrith presidcnt, F . E . Bennett in ~he chair . - ~ - . On rol l~ c~li , a11 men~bers uf the Bqs~rd reported preaent . Unapproved. minutcs r~ad ar~d z~pproFed As rcad. Car~unicatians rcad and plaaed on file. R~part of Officers read showing ~ cash bs?lance in the Treasury of $2935.~5, the reparts were a?ccepted s~nd plaaed on file. _ ' Trie'~"olloMin~~ bil.ls were a1l,owed and ordered p~id, ~ ~ Na . ~~i~, I~eraltl-Hccorder, Printing,~ ~ C5•.86 ' " ~~~,~R.SO". ~chillin~, Sprinl~lin~~ g.00 " M.C.Y.S.Carp, ~1~ter ctc; 16.R3 , ~ " f~67, County of San Lui~ Ubi~pv, ~calth Unit, 2~i«DO " RRB, Ps~c. Tclcphor~e Co. Tclephnn~ scrv~ce, 2,ry8 " ~f~~, B. F. Sterrart, Salary ~tc; 102.E~R " ~7~, Ss~nt~ Ms~ria Gas, Co, Stract 1',i~ht~, 7fi.87 " " R71, A . Cc . Stcvensan, ~weepin~ etc ; - 2R . bQ " f~?2, J. W. Bardin, G.~s and U~.1, 4,~2 " f373, T. J. S~e~cnson, Culvcrt work, 3.b0 " R74, K. Whi~c, Str~et wark, ~1.0~ Total b31I~, ~ ~8 ~he Strect comm3ttec w~~ i.nstructed to ha~e Crown Street . ~radcd and grz~elcd. Na further business ~ppcaring the meetin~ was adjaurned. , , - C t9 C]. ~rk . Attest, Presid~nt. 'i f. F ~ I.. • ~ t ~ ~ ~ .