Minutes 1925-12-16 ' ~~W ~ . tirroya Gra,nde, Ca,lifornia~, Dcccm~er 1Rth, 1~25. IIoard af Trustees met in regu].ar session w~.th Presidcnt F. E. Aennctt, in thc cha~ir. On rall cs~ll , s~11 ~embers af thc Bps~rd reported, present . Una~pproved minutes rcad a,nd appro~ed ~s rtad. m afttr a, discussion of the culvert propos3tion, a hiotion w~.s ma~de and secanded a,nd carri~d, ta puraha~se the piece af corru~utecl i~ton pipe, borrawe d from the C~unty, a~nd used at~ the Whiteley Street fill. No furthcr busincss a~ppea~r~.n~ the mcct~ng wa~s a,d~ourn~d. _ _ ____a_.. it,y ~lerk. Attcst, , rrtsident. ::'.ti... , ~ . 4 ; M , ; ; ; I ~ ~ ~ i ~ . ,