Minutes 1926-04-21 ' ~c7o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rroya Grstndc, California,, . Zpril 19th, 19~8. Bomrd aP Tru~tcc~ mct in speciAl ~ession with, F. E. S~nnett, in thc cha,ir, ~1r. Be*nnett, azlled fvr na~inations far te~wpors~ry Cha.3rman, a.nd w. i. Conrad, wa,s no~in~.ted t~~pors~ry . cha,iroan, znd W~.,s elected by s~ecl~~tion, ~ ~ Ch~3.rx~~n Conr:~d, st~ted the object of the ~ectin~ rv~.s to tlcct a per~a,nent ahair~an, a~nd to tr~.nss~ct suah t~ther bus~.n~ss ~s sha11 properly aame before thc Bva~rd . On account c~f the a~b~~nce of Trua~tces Nvble ar~d Yoale, a~nd ~an A~ation of Sennett ae~ond~d b' Gc~x, the mcetin~ wa,s s~d~ourned to Wedne~day, Apri1 st~ i 8 Ucl ak, P.~. Att~st, ,Yres. 1~, ; ~ ~ ~ ~r ~ ,Arreyo Gr~nde, Ca~l3farnia, ~ - epril ~.lat, 192~. Bos~rd of Trustee~ ~et pursuAnt ta ~djournecnt, with W. A. Conrs~d, te~pors~r~ chs~ir~an in the chair . Un roll cr~ll, Trustcc~, Bennett, Cax, Yaole a,nd Co~rad, reported, pr~s~nt, Trustet, Nobl~ Lbasent. Mr . G~nra~d cal].ed For nea~3ns~ti~n~ f~r per~wnent (;Z1A~1"iAl'! ~ and F. Banne~t, ~r~~ pls~ccd in na~?inat~~n, there bein~ but one noAi.n~e, ~r. Bennctt was ~leatcd Presidcnt of the Bo~rd, by ac~ls?~a,tion. - T~!e fvllowin~ dv~ittees were ~?ppeintcd, Un Streete s~nd Town landa, Poole, Nvblc And Conrs~d, Gn Fina~nce, Gox, Yoa~.e s~nd Canrad, ' Un Pol ia~ , Fir~ a,nd ~ s~il , Yovl e, Nobl e and CAZ , , ~s there wAS no further ~ausiness AppeArina th~ meetina wa~ ~d~ourned. L Citq Clerk. Ottest, , Yres. 1~1 Jrroyo Gra~nde, Ca~llflorni~, April 21st, 192~. ' Board of Tru~tees met in re~ul.ar s~essi~n watth President F. Bennctt , in the ch~.ir . Un roll cs~ll, Trustees, H~nnett, Yvnle, Canrs~d and Cex . rcpor~ed present, Tru~tcc Nob1e, ~bsent. ltes~din~ of thc unapprovtd ~3nutes wa?3ved, and to be read a,t next meetina. Mr. Yoole w~s instructed to ad~ise Mr. Stew~rt, thut. it would be in order far hi~. t• driTC (%~unty truak in aa~~~ of fores~t fires. Na further business appes~rin~ the n~etin~ wss s~d,~QUrned. Cit, Cl Cx'k, _ A,y Lestr.~~Hytc, Deputy, Attest, • ~ ~'res~.dtnt. ..-+~,G . . ~ •