Minutes 1926-05-19 l33 ~z~rUyo rrande, Californ3.a, May 1~J~h, 19~8. I3oard of Trustees mr~t ir~ re~;ular ses:,-ion with Presi~ent F. Benne~~ 3~~ the cha~.r. Qia rc~.~ call ~ al~. ~embers of the Board reported pres~nt. Undppra~ ed r~~nuLes r•eacl arid a~~r~ved as read. S~a~ements Uy the CYerk of the Bonc~ iu~z3 a,~: 1921 and of th~ bond fund of 1~f23, were rewd and accepted and ordered p7.a~cecl on file. . The foll ow3n~; bi11 s were all owed ancl order~d paid, : N ~ . "'4!' , ~ cr!;~ ^ ~t7:. ~nt . Fund, of 1.9?y , " ~ a tran~fer of funds fro~ ~he ~ex~er~.l ~und, ~1d.~? , Un znota-on ~he pr~.ce af the Lpwe Trac~, commnn~,y , ca1~.~:d ~he Camp Ground, wa,s fixed at ~5000.00, ~ No fur~Lh.er bus~.r~ess a~~~ar~ng the me~ting was ad~aurned. _ C~.ty Clerk. Attest, , Pr~s~dent. , ~