Minutes 1926-12-15 , i~s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~rrayo ~rande, Ca13.farn3a, December/~~,, 1J2~ . EG ~x°~ :rrust~es met in re~ular session w~.th President F. E. Fsenne~t in thc; c?iair . Un roll ca~.1 all inembers of the ~oard reported, pre~ent . Unaprro W ~~7. m~n#~es reac~. and appraved as read. The Clerk was ins~ructed to write to the I~ighway ~o~¢n- . ission of San- Luas Ob~spa, to f3.nd what actaLon, if any had . been ta:~en 1:o t~~:e over the 16 fee~ w~.de H~ghways, thran~h t~he C~ty. , - - . Gn ;,iotion d~zl JT ~~~n~r~d ~.nd carr~ed, ~.t was ordered, that , ~~e C~ty purchase -the 3~.nch p3pe left over by the Sewer Cvnti actor. ~ No further tiusixacss appear~n~ the meetin~ was ad~ourned,. . . ~ . ~ y i ~r • Att~st, ~ Fr~~s~.tLen_t . , ~ , ~