Minutes 1927-01-05 149 ~ Arroyo Grande, Cal a.f orn~.a ~ January 5th, 1J~7. Board. of Trus~Gees ~~t ~,n re~;ular session w3th Pres~.dent ~ry. Bennet~, in the cha3.r. Trustees, Bennet~, Noble, Pnnle and Cox reported, present, Trus~ee Conrad~ absent. ~Unapprovec~ m3nuf,es read a,nd approved as read. ' Report of. Cit~y Clerk ancl Tr~asu~rer, read shown~.~ a cash bal~.nce 3~n tY:e Tr~asury of .~~J48.~Q, tre reparts ~vere accepted and place~ on fi~.~. The f o~.1. ~~v~.ng b~.ll s were al l o~ved and arder ed pa~td . No. 844, Ii.O.ste~enson, Street work, ~~1:Op " 846, County af San Lu~.s pba.spo, Heal.th Unit,----~-~ ?U;UO " 84G, F. Stewar~, Salur~r a.nc~ pnsta~;e, 101:86 t~ 847, Santa 1~Iaria Gas Co . Street Lights, -w--~--w---- 77. .43 " 8~8, ~ta.te Comp. ~ns Pund, bal. an 3.nsurance, ----r 1,~4 " 84J, ~T . 1~ . Trua.tt, Sup~;~lies, .60 " F. I:. Stewar~, Stre~t Work, 80:08 8~1, nI. G. P. S. Corp. ?~'ire hydrants, & jti'ater,~-- 24,43 r~ ~~2, fIotivarc~ ~ hicCabe, ~epa~ir f3re Iiydrant,------ ~~.!~p " 863, Larcellas ~'w 14lorgan, Ftepa3rs for tru~ky 25,17 "~54, Pa.c. Te1 & Te1Ca. T~lephane ser~ice, 2.95 " €355, Z~' . II . 5~n~.th, Yrint~,ng, 6? .96 "-85C, A. Carlisle & Co. Suppl3es far office, 2.43 " 85'7, . H. Smatth, Printing, ~;3Q " $58~ Jvhn Taylor, B1.acksm~th work, 10,50 Tota,1 bills, -------~---____~_.._.._y, ,5 , On r,Io~~.nn the haak Lot was rented to V~. Haun for fi~e ($5.00) for the year, ~.nd Clerk was ~ns~ructed to prepare contract for sa~ae. Tt tivas ordered th~~ th~ co~.~er'~ on west Bra~ch S'tre~t, be extended to pro~erty lines on bo~h side th~ ~treet. On Aiot3an it ~va,.~ orrlered that t,he ~ewer farm be Ieasec~ to Lee Ross, f~~n-~ i'ree ~he first year, and to have f~rs~ refusal of sa.m~ far fu~ure years . ~~~~a~ of ~R'hG~a.BY`S Subdiv3.s~i.on of Lat L af ~he Narner Tract, in the Town vf Oceano, tvas presented for cons3derata.on of the I3aard, and on I~iat~an the same ~vas appraved. Th~ Soar~. ~ocs?k u~ tr~ .n~,+ter of the appoin~ment ai' a P1umb~n~; ~nspector~ ancl after c:iwcu: ~~on, ancl an 1!~iotian 11Ir. C. Mosher was appo~.nted plumb3ng inspector, for ~he C~~y of ~lrraya ~rande . on P:Sot3an it was orderetl ~Go have a sicle~ti*a.lk bui1~ ta the fu17. w3dth of the ~~dewalk, in fron of the City ~~all, an.d cvntract awarded ~n Fredr~ckson S Watson. No furthei 'ausiness appear~ng ~he meetin~; vras ad3au ed. . C~. y C , Attest, ~ , ~'res~den~ . L. . y . . ._.,y_,.r.d.~.__ _ _ J':~