Minutes 1927-02-02 ~5l Arroyo Grande, Cala.fvrn~.a . ~ebruary 2nd, ~.927. Board of xrustees met ~n re~ul.ar sess~.nn ~vaLth Yresiden~ F. E. Ber~n~t~ ~.n tne ehaa.r . Gn x~o~ ca11, all mc~'~~rs of the Iioard reported, pres~n~ . Unapproved m3nu~es read_and apprnved as read. Commun~ca~ions re~d, and pl aced on f~,1 e. ~epor~ of Off3cers read showing a cash ba7.ance in ~Ghe ~-~reasury of ~5F35.9~, the reports were acc~pted and p~aaed on f e . . Tl~e fol7.os~~n~ bil.ls wer~ a1lo~red and ordered pa~.d. 859, Couxi~y of San Luis q~ispo, Health un~,t, ~ 20.~0 Sfi~, 7~i.C.l'.S.Cdrp. ti'ire t~ydr.an~s, e~c; ~.0,00 - ~ SG1, G~ar3n~ & 1~gueda, Char~e bwttery, 1.~~ 5~~, I3ond Red ~nt Fund of 19~1, Street assm~,~Lotive Trac~t 3ki.3~ 8~3, Fredr.~ekson &~~a~son, canstructin~ sidewa~.k, 114,p0 ~F~, Pacatfsc Coast~ Coal. Co . Culvert lumber, 30.07. 8Etb, Ftaymond Stevenson, Street worl~,___..___~_---_---_--- 5.~~ 866, B. . S~;e~va,rt, ~alary and pasta~e, 10~.. b0 8~3'~, Pac. Te.l.ephone Co, Telephone service, 3.g0 888, John Tay~.ar, ~3lacksr~i~h wnrk~ __r________w_.._~___,~_ 5.8~ 5~9, Santa S;iaria Gas Co . Str~~~G Ligh~Gs, 78.25 870, J. jG. Barc~~.n, Supplies for Truck, ---___~_w.~___..__ _ ~g,~3 8'~1, Cha.s I3. Branah, Wa~ohman and traPfic dit~Les, --w------ 18,00 8'~2, E, D. Strwart, Stre~t work, SU.50 873, R. c~ . Stevenson, Str~et work, 7F .~b Total b~t11s~ . ~F, This being ~he t~.me and pla~ce for hear~tng protests, 3n the work done, ar ass~ssment, for 5ewer ~vork, accord3n~ to Ftesa7.ution Na. 1.2, (new series~, 1~ir.~,Fi. H. Hottiard, made verbal protest far ,A.Ylen Gr3mes; sta~t~.n~ the ~'ewer was ha~~;her than his plwnbatn~, in front of the house . I:arl B. Smith presented verbal pro~es~ a~;ainst ~he Sewer v~ark on ~he ~round tha-~ the ass ssment was not egual, There bein~; no written pro~es-~s fat~~d a~n ~ime, ~he Board proaeeded ~ tiv~th the ord~r of business . . The Ca.~y ~.ttorn.ey present~~c~ F?esolu~ion No., (new ser~.es~ tivhich was read by the C1erk, and on ~fot3on, duly ~ec~nc~ed, the Resolu~ion was adopted tiy the fal~.owing vote, Ayes, Trus~ees, Senne~t, Poo1e, Conrad, Cax and Noble, Noes, Trustees, None, Absen-~,Trustees, None. A. Beckett made app~iea~~.on to connect his su'bd~,vis:~~n with , th~ Git~ Sew~s mains, ~he applica~ion `vas gran~ed. ~on Nugen~, Pr3,ncipaZ of ~ha Grar.~nar ~~hoo~. ~aa.de. app~.3.cat3.on for paint to paint sa ety lines on pavement a~ School. house. C. A~a~her, ask~d for curbs an~. gutter on North ~ason S~reet, the matter was ~aken under ~dvisement. On 14~ota.on was ordered to ~tncrease the compersat~an af the Truek dri'ver from ~3.50 to ~~.DO per c7.ay, beg~,r~nin~ F~bruary lst,19~7. r~a i'urther buszness appear~.n~ a~nd on ;,~otion th~ meet~. ~ was ns~ourned. Cx y C er Attes~t, ~ ` , President . ; _ _