Minutes 1927-02-16 ~ l~2 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . - ,Arroyo Grande, California, ~ February 16~,h, ~9~7. Board of Trus~ees met in re~,ular session w~~h Presiden~ • F. E. Bennet~ in the chair. On ro11 c~a17. Tru~tees Ben~et~, Pao~o, Coa and Noble, reported pre~en~, Trustee Conrad, absen~~ Unapproved minutes read,and approved as r~ad. The followin~ bil~.s were a1loWed and ordered paid, ~ No. 87(S, Fredr~.eksvn S~'a~son, Sexer Asses~ment, $X31;R9 8'74, F. hi. Ros~s, coverin~ sewer p~pe, .~53.b8 - total bil~.s, _»_-_.:....~w_...~_ ~ Th~ _Clerk was. 3:~.s~ruc~~ed ~o wr~.~eF..~(, Gat~s for prices on - • Si~qunc ~ra~e~. , , No f.urther hus~.ne~s appear3n~ the me~t3n~ was ad~ourned. . . ~ , . - y ~r . - ~.tt est, -President. . ~ ~ x . - . : LL _ ' _ . ~ _ _ . .Y~.-_... . . J c~._ ,~..w _