Minutes 1927-06-01 ,..~.P, ~ ~ . ~ . . . 16~ ~ ~ ~ 1~rroyo Gra.nde, Ca~l ~.f orni~ ~ Ji~ne 1st, 19ti7. Eo~rd of Tru: tees met in re~,ular se:~.;~ioz~ ~~ritr. Pres~clent F. E. Iienne~~ 3n tYiE chair . On roll ca11 all mernber~ af the ~oard report~d, pr~sent. ~ Unapprov~a in:~yin:;~~ rc4 ~ w::u. Pra~~c~ ~,s read. Repor~ ~f. Ci;;~r C~.er?- ar~. Trea,v~.a^ea~ rc~.~?! ~,'_~otra.n~ a cash Ualance ~1~ t3~e Tr~~asury nf ~.4:'dFwtiq, ~l~e re~or~Ls «~r~ plaaed on fil~. ~he follo~~'~.n~; b~i~s ~ere allo~red ~nd arder~d paicl. T1o.~ 924, H. 0. Steven.san, ~tree~ work, ~~p.ry~ ~r g~5, ~1. Carlis~e ~ Co. ~ona~ & Off3ce su~~lics,_- 129.71 " Pac. Tel. Co, ~'elepY~pne servic~, 2.75 ~ " ~72'7, Pacific Coast ~oal Co. C~rnent, g,10 t+~ ~H8, ~1. G. Comm. Cc * Ited cloth, .54 ~r J2~7, E. D. SLevrart, Street work, 10~.(~0 ~9 'r ~30,~"J. D. TrLt~tt, ~arzaYa ~~obes, -_..~.~.~w_________,~,~ ~-•~Oi ~R r' g~31, Her~,lcl~~?ecord~r; Pr3rat,~.r~, 3,~3~ 11 ~~.1h~ 1 I~~i"..~~~rY".~yrr.` 1~~~ ~/'J ~ 1-~~%~ rI .J~J~w~.V~` Jl' ......~...r~.~.r....~~....~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~t/ ~ V ~ y~o :~~c3 ~ ru ~~i r~' . ~.i~3?`~ • .~~3 ~.TT ~L'~".:~'1'.,`~ '•'•~y!aL`.e". ~a 7 y ,r~.~.,.»,r.... ~I~ ~ ~ (~C " ~34, ~anta, r,'ari~, Cras Co, S reet lat~;hts, etc; 7~;4d ~ ~3b, County~ of S .0 . TIe~.1th un~~, 20.~0 ~ ~ " L. r'. 5tewart, Salary k~asta~e, ~'02,00 " 93'7, C. R. Pa~terson, Speb~ia]. Off~ ~er, 50.00 " ~338, J. Bard~n, Tires and '~rucl~ supp'lies,------ ~G.~: tr ~~r~ ~ ~ r~'o~,~:.1 b~l1,s, -~w-~--_~--______.~____~._______..~_ y ~,0.~ ~~7ap of Hia . V'~.~~~, De1.1 , Qccann, `vas nr~~~ante~. for aPpraval , an~ o.~ i;iota.on the ~iap was appravea by the ~aarcl. 11 Resolu~a~an jvas preser~ted by ~;~r. ~1'hi~tlesey~nP ~'ismo ~each relat~tnk to the C~.~ne~;a rnad, a,na on I"o~Lion the ~ame ~~,s re~ec~ed. Iteferi.n~ ~o ~he petitian of t,.ash~r, "va~.1 ancl nthers, ~t was ordered tYaa,t the City tvill ~u~G in ~u~ters ~vhere necessary, the ~raperty o~vners to pa,y for c~ar~s. - an r,Totion it was orderea that the turna.n~ bui~ton ~e pu~ in a~, the ~.n~~rsect~.on af Brai'~ch and ~harU ~4~ r,et~', a~? so • ~l~e eurb be re~ovecl fram the ~hort Str~et side. • Plar~s far the retaa.nin~; tiv~a11, the f~.7.7. at T4'ha~~,~ley and IIranch ~~reets, ~e Pu~ ~.n, and tlze ~~ans ~re~ent~ed by l3. F. ~tewart, be accepted, The C3ty CXerI~ was instructed to ca11. for bids an Cement, ~;ravel, ~tc; for the jab. . No further ~hu,~~ness a~+~e~i ~n~; tre meet~n~ svas ad~ourned. ~ C~~y C`~Ter - A~.t~st, ~ , ~'resic~.ent . . , . ; , . ~