Minutes 1927-08-03 . . ~ ~ ~ ~ «~.+w ~ ,Arroyo ara~.e, CaliQoxrnia, ' _ . 9,u~us1~ 3rd, 1927. C3~y _Gottns~l, me~G i~ ~e~ular sessioin ~i~h ~~:ayor F . ~ . Bennet~ , pr~~s~d~~~. . r~71 ca~ , rnr~~ ci~n~c~~ G~,~r, r~'~r~,~! and Pdel e, r~~o~t ~d pr~ason~, Councilman Nable, absent. ~ _ Mes~rs. ~`ecords and R~.el, appeared befar~ ~he Board, and asked ~o haTe a f~,re ~Iydrant plaa~d near ~i~e cnrner of Mason and Nelson ~treets, as soon as ~he f atxr in~h water ma~.n is lai.d on ~hos~ S~reets, the rec~uest was~ ~?lac~ed in the hands nF ~ht; St]Cree~ cowm3ttee. . , ~ The mon~hly. report of .i~he Ci~y Treasurer .and Plramb~.ng ~~.c ,Znspe~t~r, was f31ed, a~d on hioi~:tan was accept~d. . . ~ The fQllowin~ bill.s .~rere alla~ed and ordered paid, ~ Na. 965, Cat~.at~~y of San L~is Ob~,spa, ° ealth uni~, w-~--~---• ~ 20:U0 " 986, Pa~~.fic Co~,s~, Coa1 Cc?. Cementa and Lumber, 391,F0 " 9~i7, B. F. S~evar~, ~alary and pQ~~a~;e, 1p~,30 " 988, Santa Mar3a Gaa Co. S~re~~ L~~hi~s, 78.40 " 989, M.C.P.S.Corp. F~.re ~ydrants, L3.~hts, eta; 1?.].8 ~ " 970, Herald~Recorde~r, Yrint~n~, 12;00 " 971, Cary+~at'e Co. Vau1~ do~r, _--~_....___,.----_~...__.~.,w ~40,00 " 972, Pa~ Telephong Co. Telephan~ s~er~~e~e, 2.90 " 973, A.G.~om'1 Co. Supp~.ies for wall. 24:G0 " fl74, E. D. S~ewart, S~ree~ work, Y00,00 " 97$, C. COnrow, Fre~gh~ on Yau1~ dc?or, b,72`,. " 975, A. G. Plumbing ~nd L1 ectr~.c shop, Sexer p3:pe, 19 .2~ . " 977' West s~.de Gara~e, Truck suppl~.es, g.3 " 9'~8, Haward & 1~~cCabe, Hardware, et~a; 3U.3'7 " 97~, ~dwia Bena~t~, Work on wa7.1, ~;2.00 " 984, H. U. S~evensan, S~reet work, ~,9.~b " 981, J. J. 5chnyder, 81a~ksm3.th wor~, 8:38 " 982, .L1oyd Turn~r .~-~--_..___,~...~~rork on wal~., ~2;00 " 4~83, E11o~t Cox~ ~ark ori ~vall, ~~;Op " 984, ~lbert Fobes, 40.00 • " 98b, B. T~'. S~tewar~, Work vn wa7.7., g7:00 8~8, Chas H. Bran~h! C3.~y 1'v13.ce. 77:50 " 987, C. E. ~Zosher, Applica~Gion far Sew~r aonne~tioa 1.,60 Toi~,al b~.l~s, ~ . 1 C1er1~ ~n~~ruc-~cc~ to orcier aspl~al~ for ha~.~hw~,y shouldeTS, ~ No ~'urtl~~r bu:~3r~es~ a~pearin~, ~he me~tin~ was ac~~ourned. ty C er . A~Gtes~, , ~ayor. 0 r i ~ ' ~ ,i