Minutes 1927-11-02 Arrayo ~rande, Californ3a, . ATovember ~nd, ~~ry7. C~.~Gy Cauncil mei; ~n re~;ular ~e~.~s~.on `v3.th bla~or ' F. E. B~z~ne~~~ ixs trie ehair. Un ro11 call, al~. r.~~mbers of the Council repor~ec~, presc~t . Unapprov~d zuinute~ reaa a-~d apProFed as read. ~teport of C)fficers, Ci~y Clef~l~: and Tr~asurer repor~s a ca~ balance in ~he rl'reasury of $~48.54, the r~ports rrrere aceept~e d and p~.~.cer1 on file, The Cit,y Clerk repor~ed collections as follotvs, From ~ax 1evy, 1~61.57 ~ Se~v~r and utree~G assessmen~, ~91.07 = :~x~J42.F4 ~ppor'~~-anecl ~,p ~en. Fund, -.___---_--719. Bal. ~n Gross rec~eip~s, _____~-----~?~3.~~ ~1~742.f4 The follotr~n~ bi~.1s were a17~o~red and ardered paid. 1UZ9, L'. D. S~ewar~, ____-Street ~rark, 91.00 1030, H. 0 . S-Gevensan, 5~ree~ ~vork, _.,~.__----_w___,~ 38.75 1031, C. Coal Co, Lunber, _.~.,-----__w_-- 3;c~g ~032, S~anda~x~a Oi7. Co . Aspha].t a~d frei~;ht, 31.10 103~, B. F. Stewart, aalary ~,nd • os~a~e, ~.O~i.'75 1,~3~, ,Caun~y of ~,L.(3. k1ea1-~h Una-~, ----_-~w.~_____~._.... 20,OQ 1035_, Banl~ of ~.~rroyo Grande, ----•-Box ren~~ 3.00 103Fi, A~.b~rt H. Ga~nona, I'olice ~t~d~e fees, ~.Op 1037y B. F. Stewar~, ~-----~------~_--~-.U2 on call.---_--_ 3$.Sb 103~, ~~nta :~.aria Gas, Co . 5~ree~ L~~;Yits, '78.f~.5 103~, L. ~1. Brisco, Gas and 03~, ' ~~.72 ].~040 j'T. ~I. Sra~a.~h Yran~in 1~.85 ~ ~ ' 104X, I'ac. Te7.. Co. ~.'e1ePl~one service, 2.'7b 1042 ~ C. ~i . Branch, Traffi~c Offic~^ 77' , 50 1043, T,. Adams, 8laaksrt~ith wor~~, 3.95 ~p~4, 2+I.C.P.S.Corp. LZ~;P~ts, t~a.~er~ etc; 51:9U - To~al bi1~.s, --__~._~_.._r_~~__..____.. '600,8~ i'he Lond ~~..R.~~ra1~., for Pol~tce Jud~e, ~v~i~Yi ~'ack~,Shannon anc~. Ol~ Gt~l,licl~s~n as suret~.es ~va~ a.ppraved.. ~..,.c [1n Tio~ion ~.t was a dered ~ha~ the S~ree~ aor,m:i-~-Gee ~ :~n.~'i~il'L1C'~iE~. fi0 buy a ~ractor. ' ~ No fur~her bus~,ness appeara.~1~; -~he ~~ec~a.ng tYas acljvurned. 3~y C1 eA ~ • .A~~es~, d~;' ~ayor. , ;J V i ~ ~ , _ . ~