Minutes 1927-11-16 , ~„~Ti? l7~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ . Arroyo Grande,- Ca1~.farn~La, ~ . November 16iah, 1f~27. ~ Ci~y Counc~.1 met ~_~,n re~;u.lar s~ssion w~ith I~~ayor _ F. E. Benn~t~ 3.n the chair . ' On ro1~. ~a~11, all members of ~Ghe Counail repor~ed, p~e~ I Goam~un~~a~ivms fron~ ~he 'T'elepl~one Cnm,pany and ~he A~~amob3le Cl~b, was read and placeQ, pn file. The S~ree~ Cozrm~3.~~~e made a repor~~ on ~he se~er~l Tra~~ar s . ' tha~ haT.~ bee:n ~.nder disa~~ss~Con :~he past mont~h, a~d 0~ hIot~.an ~~ly seaox~.ed a~e". ~arrierl~, ~he -~1erk tivas 3nsi~~~ ed ~o order. from Barce~.las ~a~d ~sor~an, a. Fordsan Tra~tar, ~~.~ta • a Tra~l~ ai~i~achmen~ . U~ Mo~~o~ i~ w~s ardex~d ~a have ~he -sear~.fi~r r~pa~ireda, also ~he Grader, and the Clerk ~a~as ~.ns~r~~..~Gea tv a~teud t~a ~he s ame . m~ae app~.3~at~.on ~f the relephone Company to mave pales,. m~ad add a fevr more v~as gran~ed, - - • - No fur~her bus~:ness appeari~.~ th~ mee~~.nt; was ac~ouY-x~edr. . , . ~ . C y e~ . Attes .4~wor. - ~ ~ 3~ - ~ - a ~ , ~ ~