Minutes 1927-12-07 ~73 ~rr~~To CTra,ncle, Cal~fc.~rn~~~, Decer;'~cr 7t~h, 1~27. C~ty Gouneil :~1et ?r ~he~.~n~,r ~ecsior.,~~:itxz ~'aj~or, F. I~~ . I3ennet~ in ~he cl~air . E~n ra11 call y all members of the C(~U21C:LZ reporter~, pres~nt . ~ Un~p~ra~ec~ mixautes z e~tc:~ anc, ~~,;~~z~cvec~ a~ reac'~. ~.~'`"l` ~ I;eports c~f Pluinb~n~, :i_ns~ec,tor, I'oliwe Jua~;e,~Li~;~T Clerl~ and •i'rGasLYx~er, r~a.d a~~ce~ted and p1~,ced on file, Treasurer ~eporLs a bal~,ncc of cas11 in tZie Treasury af ~~~~.FO. John ~iarain ~resentec~ a claim that he was exem~~ fram Ci~Gy a~.d Coun~y taxes, a.ncl af~er a discuss3on a~1c~ om i•o tio» ~~t was ord~red ~hat th~ tax cl~.ir.a o~' Jcd:n Bard~.n, ~~e c~nce7.led. ~ (~n A.oticzn ~~r~;.;_; ag c~e,~ec?_ ~;z_~;,t ~;~~.e C~ x,~..{~ ~.ii ~;vt~ters on Nor'~h .i~asox~ 5treet, betwt~en ~rn,ncl~ ~treet a.nc1 Le I°~,ir.t .~s~en~.e, ~y~:~.~:~ject, : . _ . _ . . f;c~ ~tl:c° c~,. c~,' a r,c Ar t:~, ~.~:c~r i~~ ~T,~,.:t~wn~; 7_ Ct'i~' " ry I~ . , , . . . ,c~ . 'r r , , . . . _ _ orc~ered paicl . I~Ta . 1~~5, hI . R. Swal7. c-ses. in rolice Court, ~ 15 .00 " xU4C , Coun~y cf . L. U. H~al th . contract, 20.00 " 104'7, L. D. Ste~var~, ~treet work, 7E; .0~ " 109E3, II . . Stevei~zsGr_, S~reet work, ~1;U0 " 1~49, A? .C .Y.S .CorP . ti~'a~er,~,~a.~~3 ~0:04 v ~.050, A. Carl~.sle ~r Co. c.:;fficc sup].ies~ __~,Mw___~_~._ 1:p~ „ 1a51, B. F. Stetivax~t, Com~n, on col~, ec-~~ons, 176:07' " 1Q52, Santa i~a~~~.a Ga~ Co . Streefi l~.~h~s, ------------w- 'p$ ;f 5 " ].053~ Qnan a.ia x~~,1~?b, '1'ruck suppl~.es~ 71,~6 " 10~a4, C. ~I . Sranah, Tr~."~'~.e C~i'fieer, ----------~-~w-~-~-- 7'S.00 " ~055, ~ack Schnyder, I3~acksm3.i~~: ~ork, 4:c~~ " 1Q5F, S~ancza,rci 0~1 Co. 4~b1s of aspha,l~~ 17.QQ " 1057, ~:'.C.P.Y. fre~~ht an aspha~.~, 1?_ :p0 " 1J~U, .•.~'lca~t ~'obes, `tree~ work, -.__.~.,~w______---___ 34:50 " ]~059, Barcellas and Dlar~an, I'aymei~t or~ ~rac~ar, '70Q ;pi " 10fi0, B. I" . S~e~var~ ~~alary and pos~a~e, 101:9b " IOQT, Lea~ue of A1un~.cipa~~.~ies~ I~Sembershi~i (3 ears 45,00 '.L'otal bills, 5 .14 ~l wa.rrant ~vas drawn a~a~.nsi~ ~he Gross Reeeip~s, in fa~ar o f ~h~ ~;en~ral f~.~na~ of $434'7.'~5, No fur~,?~nr ru~~ress ap~earzn~; ~~e me~tin~ ~vas adjourned. w~• ~ - i'Gy Cl ~r , ~ttest, ~o- ~ ~~~-~e,..~, ~tayor, ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ ;