Minutes 1928-02-01 ~~1 Arroyo Crancle, Cal~.fornia, 1~'ebr~iary ls~ ~ 1~728 , ~ C~-ty Co~incil me-~ 3n re~~~ar sess3.on w~ith Co~xn~~.l~aan C. S. Nab1 e in t~e chaatr . On roll ca11, Co~aneilmen Nob1 e, Co~ and. Poo1 ~ xepor~er"1., present, Ca~n~ilmen Gonracl and Bennett, absent. Una,pproTed M~.m~~tes r~ad ancl. apprared as read. Re~ort of affie~rs 'read, shawa.n~ a~ash b~.l~nee of ~3004.~~, sazn~ was acc~ptec~ and placedon file. The fallo~v~n~ '~~lls were allowecl and ardered pa~.d, ~.078, L. D. ~te~va.r. t, ~~Gree~ worl:., -~---_______w___.._ 100.OQ ~Q79, I'. . C. Coal Co • Lur~'ber for c,ti117er~s, ~0.$8 ? 1~SU, :~anta I~,~aria Gas Co, Stre~t l~~hts, 7J.13~ 1U81, C. H, Srancll, Traffie offi~er, '77.bU~.. 1082, l~lbert ~'obes, .~tret ~Yo~, 49.D0~----. 1083, I3. I+~. Ste~vart, Salarr; posta~e and expenses, 109.8pc-' 1o~~, AI,C.P.;;.Corp. j`~ater,Nl~.~hts, hydrants, etc; 4~.3'~~ 1Q85, I~ . U. stevensor~, ~trcet worl~, 24.50 ~ ~.0~3f ~ j4'est, s~de l~arab;e, Repa~irs on truck, , ~03'7, Cot~nty af ~an I~~ii:~ Gbis~3a, Hea1tl~ con~ract, 2C~.Q0 1Qf~8, ~tandard Uil Ca, C~,solene, e~cq ~2,46' 1~89, 1'aeif~c rj'ele;~l~an~ Co . Tele~laone servx~e, ~:c~~~ - TOta,1 ?"~.1.15, ~57~,~} I~;o fur~l~cr b~:tsxrless ~,ppearin~ th~ n~eetin~; tivas adjo~~rned. _ r i .y ~r , Attes~ ~ ~ ~ia~Yor . ~ , ; ~ ~