Minutes 1928-04-18 ~8~ slrroyo ~rarzde, Cali~rr~~a., .Apr~I 1f~~Gh, 1~?28. Ci~,y Clt,tn~i~. met ~.ri re ;~lar ses~ion with A:a,yor, C . . No~l. ~ in ~Yie ~~a~r . (~n ro11 ca,1~., CoL~ne~.lnen i~roble, Cox, Paale, Canrad a,ncl ~<'orP a.n, repQr~ec,. p~^~sr-:nt, None absent . Unappravea m~.7lu~es read ara.a a~proved as rea.d. Dr. G:i.l~.:ilia7~z~ Gotin~;y 11ealth off'~cer adtlressed ~he Co~~nci1 on the s~b~eet of healtYi worl~, ~~,na preseni;ec~. a ne~~* contraa~ for adpption by ~he Co~.ncil, sa~id ~antr~~ct ~ein~ a rene~val af ~~e ~ontra~t in th~ Co~xa.ty heal~~t ~in~L . After a c~ise~a~s3on of the ~ontraet the same was laa.cl over ~o the next re~rxlar mee~Gin~. The que~tion o~' tZ1e pu~~ing a.n of curbs ancl ~~.~~~Ger~ on ~'orth ;,iason S~Lreet, ea~ne ~P for _d~.sa~ssaton, ancl ~he ~;eneral opiniar~. was ~o ~o aheaci. ~v~.th the ~vorl.~. ~o fnr~l~cr l.~usiness appear~tn~ the mee~~n~ as a~ j a~rnecl. _ ~ , '~o 9 iC3~y Cler . 1~t~est _ ~'~,~:.a or. ~ ; ; 1 , ~ i ~ ~ _ _ _ _