Minutes 1928-06-06 w . ~ ~ l$8 ,qz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~v~~~ , 93 Arroyo Grande, Ca1 i~or~~3.a, ' ~ 9~ J~nB 6~~°l' 1~28 r C/ ~ !gb 9n,,, C~t~- Co:~ncci-1 xnet ir~ re~;~.lar sess~ian wa~th ~:Iayor C. Ho'~le ~~i W~air . Oxz rol~ ca~.l a:ll r~er:~laer~s cf ~he Coti~~ei1 repor~ted, pres+en~ . Una~7?roved ina.n~tes resd and approved as r~ad. Co~rrn~r~~.c~a~G~.ons from ~h~ J.T~~n~dy 110 . a~ ban.d.s, antl A11.en F. Gi11i~1an, Co~ln~y Iieal~h off~cer, ~vere reacA and placed on f il e . 1+~.I~i.Mar~;an of ,~I~~e Fire ~or_u.-~a.~tee, wit~7 :r1r. Yoo1e reparted ~.a~~n~ exar~ined all t~e fire hyc~ran~Gs, anc~ sa~.rl -~Zi~y tivere al1 f~.nc~io~lin~. . ~ , Ordanar:ee No Urd~na~~ae ar~a~in~; Bo~lEVard :~tops, prepared l~y B.F .Ste~var~t, was reacl, and orx ~tv~~.on by Poo1e, se~onded ~y A~ar~an ~~ae ord~nance was passed ~'irst read3ng, T~ie f ol l aw3n~ b31 ~ s w~r~ a11 owed an~ ordered ~~aid . Nv . 1~4'~, San~a AIaria Gas Co . 5tr~~~ 1i~~~s, 78.'73 114$y C.H.Brax~.~h, C~.~y ta~arsha7. a.._.~.._..w_......_~...___...._ 77'.6:; - 1149, E.D.S~etivar~G, Street ~ark, 1q8.00 " 1150, A~.ber~ Fobes, Street worl~, ~,O~i.00 . 115m, ~I.U.S~Gevenson, S~Gree~ ~vorI~, 1~.~5 " . 1152, B . w~ . Stetivart Prer:liarl on ~ns~.ranae, ~2 .OQ 1].53, Pa~~f~e C~ast ~a,a.ltivay, Prei~k~ on 11sp~.a1-G,-- f~;46 , 17.54, S~andard Oi~. Co. Ga~,0~.1 e~a; 4f3.85 " ~.155, P.r.C.P.~.Corp. F~re 1x~~3ts ~.ntl ~va~er, 6a.7J . 115~, Barce]~las .,:or~ar~, Gara~e bi1~s, ].1.55 11S'7, Ri.R.S~va11, C3.~y ~~~orders Co~rt,..---______~..__ ~,8.~Q 1158, T~~rneys Lle~~r~.a ~hop. Llee~rid '~~.~lb and ~sard. 1.15 11~~, I+'.E.Henne~~G &.>on, Broom and etc;--__.~_______ ~.25 :1.1E30, B.F.Stewart, ~alary, _.._...~_~.__~...~~.~..W__w_____ 130,~Q 1161, Co~nt~r of ~ an L~.a~s C~b~.spo, kIea~.~l~ nni~, 25.00 11,C2, I'a~cif~~ Coa~t Coa~. Co • C~ment, w_..________.~__ ~4.40 11G3, ~'a~aif~.c T~lephone Ca ~ T~].ephone serv~ic~e,--___ ~:95 11C4, J.J.Sahnyder, Blaaksrni-~h work, ~3.10 1185, Va11ey ~%aast Trans3.t Co • Frea.gh~, on asPMalt,- 3.34 Tatal "~~,lls, ~ r, ; TTae fO110W~.x"!jm gross reee:L~ts, ~he balan~e of tax ~all~a~~ons were apPort~.an~c~ to the fa~.lotv3n~ fmnds. No. 1, I3oud Iteder.~p~a.on ~'~~nd, 1~721, __.~.~__~..._....---~-,~.~~,Sp0,14 Bond Redemptaan zn~..F~nd,1923, ~g~~,~g Dand redemptian f~nd, 5ewer, 7F~.2.1~ " . 4, Sewer ~mpravement l~onds .._..__,~~.~__..~.___..~.w.._ 871.20 n i C3~'~y of i~TPO~TO ~rande, ~eneral f~d, 183~i:~4 Tota~ appropriat~.ons, ti , . ~ T~.e Ci~y C1erl~ Presented a repar~ of ~~e ~t~~.iis^c~~.ons vf ~he Ci~y for the f~.saa1 ,year endin~ l`~ay lst, 1~3~8. wi~Gh a bala.r~ee of sash an ~t~e T~easr~ry of ~33E3.38, the r~por~s were I~ a~sep~ed and plased an fi~.~. T~e S~pee~ ~omnittEe were ~ns~r~~~ed ~o praa~Y°e one new ]~ead f or a ~'ire p~.~~; . No ~~.r~~er bns~ness a~Pear~n~ tl~~ meeta~n~; ~vas adj v~.r d. . ~ ~ i'G;T ex` . At~est, . ~ ~',P,S~,yor.