Minutes 1928-10-03 . . , . _~..w-.~. . . . . . . . ' N . . . . . ' . M..~'1 ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~rroyo Cranc3.e, Cala.forn3a, October 3rd, 1~?~. ` ' Czty Counca.l r~et i~~ re„t~lar sessa,ox~ ~v~t~ :~~aVor, C.`~.~Toble ~.n ~4at~ e~~.a.~r . . Ir On rall call , a11 mem~er~ oi' tMe Co~.~ti7cil r~rortec~, preserat . ~ Unapprove~ r.1~.nutes reacl a.nc1 aPproverl as re~d. ~ ~ Tl~e f o11 a~v3.nr; bi11 s~ere a~1 o~vec~ ancl. orclerea pa~.d, ' ` "`Na. 1.:?13, C. Ii. Bra.n~l~, ~a,7.ary, -_______~,~w_.~~w.~.~_r ; 7~.~0 ~ " Xry~.!~,'~'uri~ey~ ~~1e~tr~.c ~ hoP, ~1.y.''~'_,~1~ ~3L11~S ~ 11.:10 . ~ " 1ti15, Co~iiit,y of S.L.O. Heal~~ ~nit, 2y.00 R " lti~.f, I3. F. Stewar~, ~a.~ary and Post~.;,e, ~34:~75 f1 ~?].'7, P. S~oneroac3., ~:~re~~ ~vork, 9~.00 r, ~?1~, ~tanc~a,rc~ c;a~1 Co.Can~iact art tanli,---____.~~___ ~:c~5 r? 1~1J, ~'ae. Te1.epl~one Co. Telepl~one ser~xce,-----~-~- ~:75 ,r 1.~?0, ~an~a T~:rar~a Gas Oo .`~tre~~ lig~~ts, ~ 78:65 " 1?~1, I3arce1los and i~or~;an,Crara.~e bills, 5:80 r, 12?2, I~Towarc~. and. I~~eCabe, j';e11 pip~, ~~'7:4~ " 1~23, P:'.C.1~.~.Corp. F~ire .I~i~dran'ts, ~va.ter etc; 58:~0 " 1~w4, T. G. Ac~ar.is, ~~a.cl~sr:iitF~i t~rorl~, ti.~,~ n 1w25, La,v~.w a3nt Co . Trafi ic line pa~.n~, 2J.50 " ~.ti?C, It. ~iva1]., Fecs for ~o1~,ce ~onrt, 1~:76 `~o~Gal. bills, i~,.r. C.~.Irell~r, ~ana,t er of ~~~c :,-a~cl~.anc1 Co~~n~zes 1~t~~1ic ~'crviee Car~aoration, a~clressca -~he Cotlncil in reL arcl to the sale of 1:~1~e ivater Ta~ls~ness to the City, ai~a ~n~roauced. ?Ir. Hen1,y iv~ia s~ot1e a~t ~.~n~~h or~ tl~e stx?aject ai' tlie water plant, anc~ mac~.e a. ~en~ai~ive ~ offer of tl~e btlsi.~e~s ~o t~}~e Gity for tlle sum of `.~~.S,OOO.Q(~,, tlle '~=ayor ac~.vysec~ ~~,r .;°aeZ1 y Ck~at, tF:C COLl11C1J~ wot?1c~. ta,l~e tl~e r~~.~ter undcr adv~~er3exa~. . ~':.II.YoL~.n~ representin~ ~','arren ~ro~~ers, ~~sp?z~.ltzc Concrete pa.vin~ riaterial acl.d.re~sed ~he Co~~ne~.l on ~L?~e snb j ect o~' ~i~,reet ~a,~in~;, 7~0 ~.c~ion ~vas t~aI:e~: l~~r ~~~e Co~~nc~~.. ~f~er a diseussion of tl~e pavirizi ~Le fill at Z'~'l~~teley Stre~t, ~ on i;?otian o~' :,~or~ a,n, ~econdec~ lay Cvr~rad, ~~e Co~.u~cx1 tenderea ~,rr• I'orter a ~ate of ~l~a.n3~s, ~'or t,.ae efficient r:la.i~rler in ~~a~c~i h~ pav~tl tlle sa~.d f~1.1. 1!~o f~.1r~Iaer ~uuiness appearin~; ~J:7e r..ieetan~ ~vas ad~ota.rnEd. ~ , C~tw G erl~. ~lttest, , l`"a~=or. ~