Minutes 1928-12-05 ~~l ~ i~s~r. a~o C~rax~cle, Ca.l~farrzi~~, IiGCC?'.1~]CY' 3~?1~ ~~~i7~ ' C~t~~r C:o~.i~~~~.1 --?et iz~ rer;l.~lar sessic~n ~T~i;11 ~.=a~r~r C.~.Nob7~e, pre~;3c~:~x~;;. - - Gn r~11. c~,ll, Co~nc~l,y~~n, Cax, ~onrac~ az~~i ~.:or~;an, reportec~ ~~resent, Co~~7lcil':;a~a i='oo1c~, ~,bse1~~. Uz~al?p~rovecl. ~~:i:iiautes re ~d ~,~xc~ a~?~~rov~d as re~,d. 'i'?-ae f'o1.1 otiTin~; 7;~~i.11 s jvez~e al l o~~rec~ ancl o~ elerec;. ~~aicl . ~c~ . ~ 2~1, J°olan Barcliza, IIamlir_~;, ~ a . 1^~?, 7"on~T ~'r~a,~~l, ~treet iarorl~, ___.~_...______~_r~ ~-,0~} ~~~43, Ti . 1~ . ~~o~;zso~~, ~~~reet wor~~, , 1'i . a0 . . 1~%4~., ;:',a.nt~, .::~,r~a aa.s Co. ~tree~; L~~I:ts, '7~,].~~ . X`~a, I'ac. rclc~7'~o~7e f;~. Tele~~t~c~nc service,-_~-_~ , e rr ~ 1~~~', :~.C.l.:.~.Car~~. ",~,-~ei, ,;fTc~r~~n~:~, etc; .1;:,1.7 . °t ~ 1.;?4'7, r .F.:~~e~vart, 'ua1~~r~J e:tpc~~:~es,---____ _Y__~ . 1n4``u7 ~ ','T .5:.~~~7,`,t~~. ~ ;.'0~1CE,' C0t.11^t -~'~',GS ~ 1~. ~ Q'~ , 1.2~1.;, Coz~i~t;,~ of:' ~,'.L.t). lical~L1: t~ni~, ~3~C~(3 „ ~ 1.~5C, C1:a~. . '~alcltvin, T"or?~ o~z ~~r~,11. , ~ ,~r~ ~ 1'W1, C~corT~e ;'to~c, atreei; ttiror?:, 1?,OC~ ~ 1 t~l~, ~c.;~~.r-G, tvo~•~~ ~raLl, ~n,0~ tt ~ .~.,"~13~ ...:'.~:.~.i,O21C7'O~,[~~ ~:LI'C:CL C'~~T'~,~~ ...w______..._.___~ ~3~.~,'d~ tr (;t,~„,S. ~''~~,~Cl~~ '1'1~,~'f':LC officer, "I~~.C)0 . u , 1F'~~, .~-I.~:x:;iL'4, lr~.n-L-in ~r-: " . • ~iO~ii.i,~ ~]7_~.l.i ~,I.L~OtiYC:.~~ ~.w.r.---....~.^~;''~'3tI-~~~~ L~_11.s of ~o~i~~ -`-'~arclin, laicl aver for iz~.ves~;l~;at,io~~, ~ s' ~ ~ ~ r. [~~nr) r•!~ C.:it,~ J..:~~;,c,, -,,-~1'..,~l,~all, z e~~o~•tc,cl t:~e eol7~e~~in~. o.~ fro?:~ v~,riaL~s~ f:ixies . .TI~.ilc~t, ~rese~~~ec~ :i ;;e~i~:i.i;:i.on rc~r t~~c; ~a~:v~_7i~; c~' ~illez~ ;atrcc~, a~i.? ~~L~,~;e~l t':~~~ ~~roper~ O~TT1~x' ~ sl~e~s°,Te~?. ~~~Lic1~ a~~zt,crest d~i~ - -~i~c r:io~Tea~ent . c~.i ~ct~.>~ion ~x ver.~crlt~, T~a~e~c~~ ~~1; o~lt an o~der -~o ~,~~;~nint Ci~;; ~:;r~~~~_n~~cr, anc~. c~7~ ::ot~.oi~ z~u Tv~.;:~ ore'~ereca. ~_~vt t).c C~~.~ricil retir~ ~o pr~.vate of'a ice, tc, a_~:~cuss a;~~Poin~r~c~1t ef ~~n '~n~;incer. L27 '(;iiB A C--C02'iVCTliTlr; Ul~ t,.1(' .-p~l.T~C~~ ~k,a n:~ n-C,-t.pY1 G'~, '~I'~:',a.Il ::.vC021(~.GCl. b,y Co~, ~~r I?.Co~~,~w ZaraN ~.~;~~c~ri~Lec~. ~ri~;ineez to ?:atir~ c~~ar~,e c~a i;~ie `~'txe~~ ~~avirz~;. T~~e C~~~- t;Z c~~a: ~V~ ~ a_~~z.s i;rLic ~ec1 ta nat3f~ ~'r . L'c~nracl, ~f la:i~~ ap~oa~nt:.~ent a,~ Ui~,r ~~„~;~nc~er, anc~ rec~ue~t ~a~_s ~resei~ce as scc : ~oss~l~le. P:~ . .I~ .`rOLl17;`.'~ rCI:I':;S~I1~1.I7~ ',arrcrl ~Y~otIaera Z~a.vi.lzt Uo , was ~n e~:ent, a,1so sever~,l citizen~, ~.t;tei~esteci zn 1~av1n~;. :~o f~irt~~.cr ?:~,:~:~i~i~ ~s a~~~~cara.~1~ , thc rlee~ti~z~ ~r~ ~ ac~.j ozu 71ec~. ~o ~4'ec~nesda.~~ I7ece~:~ber 1?~Gh, a~ 7.~~~ ~c~ocl~ ~=~.i~.r. ~ ~ J ' ~ C1 erl~, " ~1 t ~i f S ~i ~ ~ _ ~ . . c`~S.j ()1 ~ tr r~.ll~~ / / ~ ~ Ir~