Minutes 1929-02-06 , . , ~..7'N' Q ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ drro,ya Grande, Cal.~.farnia, ~ February ~th, 1J29. C C~.ty Council met xn re~ular seusion w3th ~:ayor C.~,Wohie ~.re s i~:.ing . On rvll ca11, Councilmen Nobl~, Coz, Yoo1e, Conrad and A~organ: reported, present, Nan~ absen~. ' Unapprovec~ ~iinutes read and a~proved as read. Cozrnmunicata.oar~s from ~he L~ague af Cal3forn~.a ~~.unicipal~.~~.es and ath~r sources reacl and placed an f~1~. „ ~,eports from the C1erk, "~'reasurer and Pol~.ce Jud~;e, read and pla~ced on fi1e. ~ The f o11 ow~in~; bil.~, s were a11 owed and orc~ered ~~aid. ' Nd. y288, t~l.F'.~~~n~road, street ~tic-~~'~;, ~.____-__~.~_~~___~.~.~1p~4.00 " Pac Telephone Co, Telephone serv~ce,---------~-- 3.15 ~ ~ ~,2AD, Ilawkins and niil].er~ Hardware~ ~~.70 " 1~91, ~Tahn nardin, Hauling, --__________..~.___~_____w_ ~.'7b " 1~9~~ J. J. Schnyder, Blaeksma~th. work~---____,~.._____ 1b:'70 r " 12J3, Chas II. Srancti, Traffzc Officer,~-----..-_ 7~1.50 " 1284, ~.R.Swall, T'ees fpr ~ity Recorder, 8.50 • " 1296, B. Stewart, Salary &etc; ~38.40 " 12~~, C. C. Ya~es~ Hse of tractor~ 10.~0 " 1~97, Tiarcellos &~Iorgan, Gara,~e work, g,8~ " 1wJ8, A. E. '~amas~.na., test3.n~ ~rater well 1~~,00 " 1~99, ~.D.~il,~.~.ng, Co. Lumber,~----____~_________~.--- 2U.89 " 13Q0, Standard Di]. Ca. ;~a,solene etc; 4f~:86 l " 1301, Hera.ld-Recorder~ Printing~ 17.08 " 1302, A. Carl~is7.e & Co. perm~ts, fi.18 " 13q3, Paca.fa~c Caast Coa~ Co. cemex?t and lumber~------_ ~~,lg " 1304, 1?I.C.P.S.Corp. water, hydrants etc; 3€~.5~. " 1305, Caunt}r of 5,I] .0 . H~a1 ~h unit, 2~ ~DO " ].;30Fa, 5anta Aiaria Gas Co. Street 1,i~hts~ '79.~~ " 130'7, Geor~e 6to~e, Street work, ~;3.5Q total b~lls, __________~.~,~..__..__.._..~~6~.96 Air. R.E.Easton addressed the Cvuncil on the sub~ect of Str~e~ li~hts, as to the renewal of their contract far ~as 13.ghts . , 1tTr . Tie1~.y al so address~d the Council on the sub~ ect af elec~ric ~.i~;hts, the proposit~.an of lights was ~.aid pver to some future time. Qn Atotion of Canrad seaondea by Coa, th~ mee~i,ng was ad~ourned to February 13th, a~ 7.30 Oc~.ock P.?.i. T Cat,y C erk. ~lttest, I~iayvr.