Minutes 1929-03-06 . :r , ~ ~ . ~ ~ _ ~ Arroyo ~:rand~, Cal~fornia, 1liarch 6th~ 1J29. C3ty Coiinc~.l ~=1et ai.n regular session with A. Cvnrad ac~ing hlayor pres~tding. y On rall cal~., GouncaL7.men Conrad, Poole and Cq= reparted present, Counc3~men Noble and h2organ, absen~. U~~aPproved minutes read and approved as read. Under the. head of reports uf bffiaers, t,he C1erk, Judne and Treasurer made reports, and on Alota.on the reports were accep~ed and fa~~ed. The petition of proteni:ants agaatns~ the paving of ~ason 5treet, A11.en Stree~ and Nelson Street, came up for aGta.on, but on accoun~t of the absence af Maynr Nob1e and ~ounc~ilman ~or~an, ~.~:d' ~n I~ot+aton~ of Pc3_ole seC~n lay a~t~.ot~ ,~?n ~~~he a~~i~1~1021 wa's laid aver tb th~ e=~,~'iarc~ ~U~th, at '7.30 OG10Ck I'.I~C. The proposi~ion of Strec~ lights, coming on re~ularly a~ this t3.me, as only ~three m~mbers af the Council bein~; present and on l~iot~on of Co~ secanded by Paole, actian on th~ pet~Lta~on was laid o~er th the neat regular meeting, Alarch 20th, at 7.3U Oc].ock P.I?7. ~'he f oll owing b311 s were a11 owed a~.d ardered pa~.d . No . 1.308, Arthur Devine, Special officer, -~-~-----w----- ~ ~i, (~Q p. 13~9, ~urcl~ and Eeck, ~urvey~ng, 35. DO 1~:iD, Pac Telephone Co. Tel. serv~ice, 4,75 1311,P~~.C.P.~.Cor~. ~~'ater 1lghts etc; 38.a1 - 1~].2,C. II. Branch, ~r~.f~ic Officer, 7U.OQ 1313r fi.A.~Yattson, Traffic s~.~als, ---_-------w----- 19~.50 1314, M. R. ~:~~al~, Polsce Judge, l~~pp n~ 1315, Stan~l~rc~ pil Co, Gaso].ine etc; ~,5.60 ~ ~31~, W. P. S~oneroac~.~ Stre~t work, 88.~~ 137.7, Clayton Conro~v, Two sewer connect~.ons, - 35.00 131.8, County ~f San Luis Obispo, H~alth LTna.t, ~~.00 - 1~x9~ George Stote, Street worl~, ~~;OQ 1~20, Frank C. ~Tordan, Ballot paper, 5;.4Q ~,321, B. I~'. ~tewart, Salary and expense, 134ybC1 " 1~22, Santa leia~xa Gas Co• 5treet ].3ghts, 82.~0 ~ 1323, A. E. Brown, n~ea1 s for prisoners, I; 20 132~, F.~. Twining, Chemical tes~ of zat~r, 14~. Q0 T~tal bill s ~ _w_.._ . , Thomas I~. I:eatvn ac~clressed t~ze Coi~nci~. ~n the s~~~~j~.:aek, o~' ;~.:v~~n~;. 1~ c~ ~.i_~-~'~^1~ '~,_2:~~°_ric,~.~ ayap~::,~°: ~zg : ~a~c'. c:s~ , .o ~ :~hc . • :~e z~~" _ , , - .,a . ~ - ~ ~ ti fi~° :2`'~ " ~ - - '~)..~L'~ - ~ , ~ . ~ • ,J J ry 7 'J ~ ~~~V ` ~ r .l V' p ~ . J