Minutes 1929-04-03 . `~r~.~ ; _w Arrayo Gra~nr~e, Cali~'orn~.a, , ' :~~~c~~. 3rd~ 1~~~~). ' C~-t~r Cau.nc~1. met ~n reF,ular ses ,ion ~v3~1~ ,~,a~; or .Nob1e ' pres3.d~ng . - . . Cn ro11. ca'! 1 Couxicilnlen, I~oble, Conrad, i,'pr~a~n, Poo~e and Co~, r~portecl ~resent, i;on~ ar~sen~ . oved r,iinu~es read anc~ a rovec~. ~.s re~~c~. Una r Pp ~P Cammun~.ca~~ons i~~acl a.nd pla.ced on fi1e. ThG f n11 o~vinr, Uill s sveY~e rc~.ci ancl. ordered pa~d . i~o. 1330, ~.~.1'.~toneraac~, StrEe~~ ~vorIL, ,~~01.50 " 133~., Carlxsle Co. office suppl~e~, ~~.28 " 13~3~, Chas. ~I. Br~.ncl~, P,iarsha7.l.s sa.l~,ry, ~7.5~ - " ~.333, Geo . 5tote, ;:rtr~et ~vork, 83.75 „ 1334, Santa le~a~ iw Gas Co .~treet 1~.ghts, 80.13 133~, ~:~•G.'I':'~~~'~ice'Cqr~:_-.~_..~.._.~_~~.~.__~.~_M..~._.~_ ~4:$9 " ;3~. ~'sest sicle Gara~e, Garage tvnrk, '7.56 " 1337, Barce~.los & N~orban, Gara~e bi~ls~ 45:35 ~r 1338, Stanawrd 0~1 Ca.~asolene and o~.l, _~~._W_______ 27:2g " 1339, Coui~ty of ~an Lu~.s Qbispo, ~ieal~h un_i~,-------- 2."~,00 " 13~~, J'. `~cllnyder, B7.acksr~ith warh,---____..~_~_M.._ 2F.2~ „ ~.~3~:1., B. ~:te~art, Sa~ary etc; 13~.50 ?r 1342, ~Ierald~-Itecorder, :~'rinta.ng, ~37 ~'U Tota1 b~11.s,_....~...__~_.._..________W..-,~,~ ~ Proposa~t~.ons from t,he ~anta. i~~aria Ga,s Co, a~nd the ~T.C.P.~ Gorporat~.a~~., ~'or 1~.~,ht~n~ t~~e ~%treets of ~,he Ca~ty, and on ~:Iot~o~ af Conraa secandecl by P~o~.e, a.t ~vas orclered tha~t the Ca~.ty accep~ proposa.tian i~o. 2, of tlie ht.C.I'.S.Corp. Un ~,Tn~ion of Lonrad, secanded b,y Cax, 3t ~va.s ordEred tr~a~ sealed bids wi11 be received by ~he C3ty of ~rroyo ~rande„ , ~ G~,13fornia, uP ~0 8 d~~ock Y.Pi. on the 17th, clay oi' ~ipr~t~ 1929, far~ Une deep v~e11 ~ur~7~x~e X'ur.ip ~rith d~.rect cannec~ted electr~.c Rtotor, ~.ncluding all proper accessories ~or operating sa,me. The local power Company furn~.shes a 3 phase, 44U vo1t, FO . cycYe alt~rnating curren~. , On ~1o~a-on af Conrad seconcled by Cox, i~ ~~ras arclered that the City' aCG~p~ tl~e water system from ~he ~,i,C.P.~.Corp. on !1 pik'il 2 ~ ncl s . A. H~.wkxns was aPpoixl~ed water `~uperintenclent, and a~.so to ha,ve ~;eneral supervission af the Streets, ~etivers, and a~.l out- side ~orl~, w~.th po~ver Ga hire ass~.s-~an~s, tivhenever necessary, I,ir .~~awkins sa]. ary was f ixed at ~15U, QO ~,er month, ancl he ~v3~.1 cornmence ~ork an the 15~1~, day of ~Pr~l No further business a~spcara.ng, and an motion the meet~.ng was ad~ourned fi,o jlTednesday n~.ght, Apral ;XQtt~~ 1J29, at 8(3' Clocl~, H.11~. ' y er Attest, . ~"`ayor. ~ , ~ ~