Minutes 1929-05-01 ~ Arro3~a ~rande . CF~,x~~'ornia, . ~ i~iay ~.st, -'tJti~. Cit,y Council me~ in re~ula.r sess3o~ wi~th i'~~ayar C. S. Nobl~ presic7.ing. . On ro~l call, Councilmen Pdoble, Conrad, Poole ancl Co~, repar~ed present, i~ior~;an, al~sent. Unapprnved m3nutes reacl ~lnc3 approvea as read. Com~nun~ca~a.ons read anc~ pla.ced on f~le. Reports or C1erk ancl 'I'reasurer read shosva~n~ a cash ~sala,nce ].Y3 ~Y`OF~.SU.i`y t?s ~Z~~",n. ~i~C i'~*~Gx lYel'C acc~~?~ad ~n~. ~lecaa~: ~~j. f~.le. ',~~e fo1~.4~x:~n~ bi11s uere allotived a.nd ordered pa3.d. No . 1.;~5, ~7 . J . Schnyder, B1acl~srn~.th jvork, ~ , ~a0 1346, ~ta~te Compensation fund, Iasurance, af~,f~8 " 1347, G. F. Holden, Stree~; tirorI~, 4. UQ " 1.34~, rI. C. S. Corp. j1'ater li~ht~ ~tc;---~____- 2~.~~ " ~~50, Z~'. P. Ston~road, Street warI~, 100.00 „ 1.351, Geor~;e State, ~treet work, i7ry " :~352, T . . Iiazard, ~treet ~vorl~, ' 4.00 " 1353, C, Ii. I3ranch, Salary, 7;:;.GO ,r 13~4, ~r~sco ~e aon, Bat;ter,y, 2.50 " 1355, Stanclard Oil Co.. Gasolene, etc; ___~_~.___w ~3:3~ „ :135G, Countv of ~.L contra~ct, --___~,_r______~... w5. ~0 " 135'7, ~ . T+ . Ste~vart, ~alary etc; ~,51.4 a " ~358. . -~iajvl~ins, ~treet work, :~(],OQ " 135J, Ca~ty 1vat~r worl~s, ~.0.47 . 'r 13C0, ~Jeralcl-~iecorcler, ~'ri~nting, S.2y " 1:361, F. J. Pl~oeni.x, ~ezver cannections, 17 :5p - Tot•~1. ~i~.11s, _______________~______~~';'~T~ This be~n~; the time det, for vpening bids on cast iran pipe, l~he "r.ia,yor instruci:.ed the Clerk to pz-oceed ~o open ana record the bids, Amer~can Ca~t~ ~lron Yipe Co . bicl~ ,~j~13,2~1 ,">0 • United Sta~es Cast Iron Pipe a.nd Foundry Co 1.2,9a~,~33 The U.~.Cast ~ran I'i~e ana i+oundr,y Co. be~.ng the 1.otvest la~.dder, on :~Iotion a.f Cox seeanaed b,y Conrac~, it was ordered ~ha~ the Unitec~ ~ta~es 1'i~e and Foundry Co . be awarc~ecl the cnntract ta furnish the p3pe and fi~t~ings accordind to the ~ spec3f~.c~~ions. No further business appearirz~ anc~ an a~~~otion the meet3~n~ ~vas ad j oixrn~cl . ~ ~ C~.t,y C er f. Attest, , lµayor . ~ , a