Minutes 1929-06-19 . . . ~ . Arroyo Granc~e, Cal~forn~.a, June l~th, 19~J. Ci~y Counc~Ll met :ixi re~ula.r session t~~.th A, Conrad, ~ actin~ :~':ayor presiding. On ro~.l ca11 Counc~l~en Conrad, 1'.j~or~an, Yaol e anc~ Cox re~orted present, i."a~or rjoble, absent. Una~pravec7. ma.nu~es ~~eaa ancl a~praved as read.. 13aL11s a,gaxnst the i~`ater depar~ment in the sur~ of ~23~ .84 i~~~.s all ~~~ved anr~ orderecl paid, also 1~a.11s a~a~n~t the ~enEra~ fura~d ~.n the amoun~ of Y6 .~30, a1~ o~ ec~l ancl ardered pa,~d . j i;%_;r....- This be~ng ~he ta.me se~ ~or apen~:n~ ~he bids for ~he hau~in~; o:~' th~ cast iron p~pe, tlze Fo110~.: xn~ bid:~ were apenecl and rea~.. ~ • John Barcliil, h~~ i'ar liau~.in~ a.nd cl~strt~ibutin~ cast iran pa.pe, ~ ' €~rie d~llar, ~,~zr~ ttvezi~y--cenf~s per ton. Gearge L. ~tue, bic~. for haul~ng same, $~.~5 per ton. ~1. Br~.sco, b~cl for haulixi~; and di~~ra.hutin~; said pipe for tYae sura of ~.~501, ~5, John~ eznr, ~Lhe lotives~, 1~ic~cZer, anc~ an mot~.on of i~iorga~ seaanaed by Cox, tvas oi aerect tha~L the contract for haulin~ a~c~ c~~:~-~i a~but- ~.ri~ ~lie cast iron pipe and fyt~ings, along the l.a.ne of survey, and the Ci~y ~i~tor7ley wa~ ~nstructeci. i;o clra.w u~ a con~rac~ accarcl~.ngZy`. ~'I~e City Clerl+. presented a, contract c~ra,~vn by ~he i,iodland Coun~i~s ~ul~l~c Service Corpara.tioz~, c~.e .i~,n~,tecl- "~aservice a~reez~ent for the ~ Cit,y of ~irroyo ~rancle, for the operation of ~0 horse por~er r=otor, anc~ oiz '~-ot3on of i=ar~;an seconded b~* Poble, it t~ras oraear~d i;ha~ the the rwi~,yar be ins~,rixcted ~o si~n anrl execute the saa.d cantra~et . No further bLiS1Ti~~:s appea~~~n~ a,n~. nn ~~io'txon ~he meeta.n~ ~ad3flu:~2~d tc~ ~r~d.~~e~~ ~,y June ~lle ti~'th, a~ ~3 Oclocl: 1'.T~I. , ~lL~ . C~-ty C er . Att~st , 1,Fayor . ~ ; _ . -