Minutes 1929-07-03 . . 5 22'7, ' Arroyo Grande, California, ~ ~u~y 3rc~., ].~2~ . ~ C~ty Counc~Ll mei; i.n regular sess~on tivith i~~ayor G. S. Noble presic7.a~n~;. pn rol1. cal~ Co~..nc~.lmen Noble, Conracl, Rior~an, Cox and Pao1e reported present, none absent. Unappraved minutes reacl and. U~.~pro~'ed as read. ~ ~3iJ.1s nur.ibered from 1~3 a3 to 7.3~F, in ~he sum of ~43~.7,^, , a~a~.ns~ the ~enaeal funcl, ~v~.s allowed a~nd or~clered pa3.d. Ba.lls nu~beretl fron~ 42 to 56, 3n the su~~ of ~1'7 ~4.90 . a~a,inst tk~e Band fu.nd of 1929, tvas allowed ancl order~d paid. Report of Czt~r Cl ~rl~ read shaw3ng a cash ba~. ance in the ~`reasury of ~2'7~39.GQ, the repart was accep~ed and placecl on file. ItLSOLUTTUN 2Io .~:5 (new s~r~es ) a Resolution askin~; the County Soard af ~upervisors f~r a perm~.t to lay a~~una.c~.pal water p~pe 13~ne a~.on~ certain Cou7~~y roads also Streets 3n th~ C~~y of Arroyo Grande. the B~~~~.ut~ori i~~.s reacl by the C1 er1~, and on i~iat~ on duly seconded and carried, ~vas passed by the follotYing vot~. ~yes, Goimcilm~n Noble, Conrad, Alar~an, Poole and Cox.- Nnes, None, ~bsent, Nane. T~~ie Tiesolu~~on was then si~n~cl by the ~iayor ancl a~tested by' t$e C~.ty Cl~rk• . The C3t~l C~.erls tvas allawed one week vacation, to cornmence Ju~.y the 13th, No fur~her bus~tness appearing and on T~~ot~.on ~,h~ mee~ing was•ad~ourned. ~ L _ ~ ~ ~t~y er . A~test, I,Iayor . ~ . _ _