Minutes 1929-09-04 , y.~ ~y i ~M ~ AArj~ ~~~11~ 1 wK Arro,ya C~rand~, C~.lifornia, ~eptember 4~h, 1929, Cit,y Council met in regular sessa.on w~~h ~~a,yor C. Nob1e pressd3n~. Gn roll ca11 , Councilmen Nala~. e, Conrad, :~~ar~an, Cax ana Poo3.e reportecl present, Npne abs~nt. Una~ppravecl m~.s~uLes reaa and ~~,pp~ovecl as read. Communica,tions reaci anc~. placed on f~.1e. Fteport of Ofi'iaers, B~:lls nux:lber~d frorl 14T4:.#~0 142F, in the sum of ~47~i.70 a~;a3.nst th~ ueneral funcl wa~ a~lowecl ancl. ordered pa3d. Also Ui11s numbered frorrt '73 i~o '79 in the sum af ~~].~::1.$1 a~;a,ins~ Ll~ie ~Yater fund, was a.7.lowecl and arclered Pa,id. No further Uusiness a~pearin~; an8 on motin the meeting tivas acljaurnec~ to jw'erlnesda,y ,~eptember 11th, at ~ Uclnck Y.A~. Report of C~-t,y C;1erk reaa sliowing a cash baXance of ~135F .~1 , ii~ the treasury, Yolice ~ud~e rendered liis repor~ of ~25.OU in fines collected sxnce last ~epori~. ~ - ~ C ty er A~test, ~ ~1 • i~iayor. , . Arroya Grande C~~ifornia, , ~ep~~mher 4th, 192~. City Council met as a~oard oi' Equalization, w3th ~Ia,yor C. S. Nabl e 3~n t x~e cha~r . ~ On roll ca,11 all,mernb~rs oF ~he Council report~d present. . 'i'he h~a~ror s~~~teci ~he object of. tlie mee~zn~ was to hear prptests aga~nst trie assessment ro11 as pre~arecl. 1~~y the C~Sty Cl erl~, Tl~e Ci~y C1er1i reportea tha,t no complaints hacl been ~ filecl, anc~ as ~ZO other business was presentec~., and on RTotion the meetin~; was ~a~our~ea ~o September 18th, at 9 Oc~ocl~ Y.S~7. C er . ~ttest, . ~ ~~xayor. ~ , f Ii